As some may remember, I had fairly major rotator cuff and Bicep tendon surgery at the end of May this year. I am at about 7 months post-op. and have been released by my doctor. I have been trying to work on building the muscles in my arms a bit, building flexibility, and range of motion. My range of motion is excellent, back to 100% in all arm motions. My flexibility also feels pretty good. I have worked up to 25# dumbells for a variety of arm and chest exercises. Some might say this isn't much, but considering I had trouble with 1# before the surgery, I consider it to be pretty good. I could probably go up to 30# ..... but I want to take it a little slow. I am not interested in becoming the Incredible Hulk, just strong enough that my muscles don't keep tearing apart. crazy (I have had rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders over the past several years, and don't particularly want to do it again)

Anyway, that;s the update. Oh, and I am down to 245# as well. laugh Only 45 more to go.