Beating anyone up for merely voicing their opinion is absolutely pathetic. I don't condone the violence, and the people in the video could have and should have just kept on walking.
If you're a Christian, why go to a gay pride parade with signs that say "Repent or else" with flames drawn underneath of them? Whether they admit it or not, they were there to provoke, not to educate. If the gay community wants "educated" on religious belief they can go to church, right?
Not to say these people deserved the beating, but they were absolutely there looking for trouble.
I liked the article too. Very slanted, making the Christians out to be the poor innocent victims.
Regardless if they were there to start trouble, nobody deserves to get beaten up.
Hopefully they get punished by the law accordingly.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Looked more like a street orgy to me. Gotta get used to these things I guess.
you know a lot about those street orgies back in the day huh
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
I mean I get what you're saying. Don't antagonize. However, they have just of a right to be there and have their signs as the others.
right now we're arguing the same concept with the islam drawings. or women being assaulted for wearing provocative clothing.
we can debate whether or not they should be doing what they're doing, but at the end of the day, the victims didn't deserved what happened.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
i MAY have heard of that of some sort. There are some crazy homo's out there. (that sounded weird typing)
i don't think it remotely matches the extent of what christians have been doing for decades though.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
The kids who did the beating are punks, and should be punished via the law. I hope there faces were recognized by the video and they were arrested.
I guess in my own right, I don't understand why the Christians were there with signs like that provoking people into altercations.
Do gay people stand outside of churches holding up signs that say "convert or die" or "your religion is wrong" ?
Serious question. ^^
I've never read about it.
Oh Horsehockey! It was clear you were delighted with the beating of a Christian over Gay stuff, who do you think your kidding here? Pfft
I don't think they deserved to get beat up. As a human being that's tired of reading about violence in the news I do honestly wish the group could have been more mature and just walked away. I also am 99% sure the protesters went there seeking trouble and knowing they would find it. So I guess maybe I am a little amused that they found it. If you go stick your finger in a bears chest, you're going to have to deal with the reaction.
Last edited by MrKelso; 07/02/1503:23 PM.
"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"
I liked the article too. Very slanted, making the Christians out to be the poor innocent victims.
Like how your use of "poor innocent" slants it the other way? It's not my style to show up as an antagonist at a rally like this but a lot of people do it.
to your other question, have gays ever shown up at churches with signs? From my memory, not at churches per se but they have shown up in front of the SCOTUS and some other places where things involving Christians were happening with pretty derogatory signs.... then there are the gay pride parades with floats of buff men in g-strings.. are they really there just to show support for the LGBT? in a g-string? They are there to provoke because they know it drives some people crazy.
As I said a few days ago in the confederate flag thread, the liberal, progressive, left (whatever you want to call them) is on a roll, they feel like they have the upper hand... it's not surprising really that this feeling of victory has made some a little more aggressive.
I hope it doesn't escalate any further.... neither side came out of this looking good.
I liked the article too. Very slanted, making the Christians out to be the poor innocent victims.
Like how your use of "poor innocent" slants it the other way? It's not my style to show up as an antagonist at a rally like this but a lot of people do it.
to your other question, have gays ever shown up at churches with signs? From my memory, not at churches per se but they have shown up in front of the SCOTUS and some other places where things involving Christians were happening with pretty derogatory signs.... then there are the gay pride parades with floats of buff men in g-strings.. are they really there just to show support for the LGBT? in a g-string? They are there to provoke because they know it drives some people crazy.
As I said a few days ago in the confederate flag thread, the liberal, progressive, left (whatever you want to call them) is on a roll, they feel like they have the upper hand... it's not surprising really that this feeling of victory has made some a little more aggressive.
I hope it doesn't escalate any further.... neither side came out of this looking good.
I'm pro-confederate flag.
I'm also pro-gay marriage.
So I don't really know which way I curve. Left or right.
"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"
A clearly horrified Pawle said: ‘I seem to be the only person who has spotted this, so I immediately went to an events organiser who said he didn’t know anything about it.
‘I also spoke to the police nearby, who weren’t aware either.’
If this really was supposed to be an Isis flag, it was a pretty elaborate hoax. After all, the world’s most bloodthirsty terrorist organisation isn’t exactly renowned for its enlightened approach to homosexuality.
Isis ‘fighters’ like to relax by setting fire to gays, decapitating them and throwing them off tall buildings.
And, surely, no one would be so insensitive as to brandish an Isis flag in central London on the day after an Islamist gunman had murdered 30 British tourists on a beach in Tunisia. Well, come to think of it, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Isis sympathisers in this country who would be more than happy to do just that.
But probably not at a Gay Pride rally.
The CNN reporter’s mistake soon came to light. It wasn’t an Isis flag, after all.
As the Pink News helpfully explained: ‘Unfortunately for Lucy Pawle, the flag shown to shocked viewers across the world was in fact a celebration of anal sex toys.’
So that’s all right, then.
Closer examination of the banner showed silhouettes of a number of sex aids, mostly shaped like cruise missiles, although one seemed to bear a striking resemblance to the Starship Enterprise — presumably, to boldly go . . .
[quote=MrKelso] I also am 99% sure the protesters went there seeking trouble /quote]
And I am 99% sure they were there to try to convince people of the sin involved and trying to save souls.
I grew up in a Catholic family and tried to live a "Christian" lifestyle until I realized how hypocritical and intolerant of a religion it is.
I will call horsehockey on this one. You see, this country was founded on EQUALITY and TOLERANCE.... You are free to practice your religion. These gay people are free to practice their lifestyle. Your religious beliefs do not trump that. And, it is not anyone's job as a Christian to save people from themselves. Simply put, the bible says "Love thy neighbor." The End... Not "Love thy neighbor unless they're gay then try to convince them that they shouldn't be."
Maybe I'll be going to Hell right along side of them, but none of us were put on this Earth to judge, but to be judged. When I meet my maker, I have no one to blame but me.
Tolerance and Equality is really all that should matter....
[quote=MrKelso] I also am 99% sure the protesters went there seeking trouble /quote]
And I am 99% sure they were there to try to convince people of the sin involved and trying to save souls.
When you go to a gay pride parade with signs that say "Repent or else" with flames drawn under it, you're not there to preach the love of Jesus, you're there to provoke and cause trouble. Either that, or you're just incredibly naive and or ignorant.
Praying for peoples sins and souls can just as easily be done at church where you're not intentionally trying to provoke or offend people.
You and I are in 100% agreement that they didn't deserve to get beat up. The group performing the assault should have taken the high road and just kept on moving.
"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"
[quote=MrKelso] I also am 99% sure the protesters went there seeking trouble /quote]
And I am 99% sure they were there to try to convince people of the sin involved and trying to save souls.
When you go to a gay pride parade with signs that say "Repent or else" with flames drawn under it, you're not there to preach the love of Jesus, you're there to provoke and cause trouble. Either that, or you're just incredibly naive and or ignorant.
Praying for peoples sins and souls can just as easily be done at church where you're not intentionally trying to provoke or offend people.
You and I are in 100% agreement that they didn't deserve to get beat up. The group performing the assault should have taken the high road and just kept on moving.
Same could be said for any protest, but then nothing would ever get accomplished.
rule #1 with protesters, unless they are physically impeding your progress, ignore them.
We don't have to agree with each other, to respect each others opinion.
When you go to a gay pride parade with signs that say "Repent or else" with flames drawn under it, you're not there to preach the love of Jesus,
They may have been, I don't think it had any chance of working but hey.. like I said, not my style. I have talked to a lot of people about my faith down through the years and I've never got anybody interested in finding out more about my faith by calling them names or telling them they were going to rot in hell...
When you go to a gay pride parade with signs that say "Repent or else" with flames drawn under it, you're not there to preach the love of Jesus,
They may have been, I don't think it had any chance of working but hey.. like I said, not my style. I have talked to a lot of people about my faith down through the years and I've never got anybody interested in finding out more about my faith by calling them names or telling them they were going to rot in hell...
Very, very good point.
"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"
[quote=MrKelso] I also am 99% sure the protesters went there seeking trouble /quote]
And I am 99% sure they were there to try to convince people of the sin involved and trying to save souls.
But that's supposed to be entirely possible by praying in your own Church isn't it?
Yes it is. Here's the way it goes with Practicing Christians, and not the "Make your own rules Christians"...
First they will tell you it is a sin and you are risking your soul to make it a way of life. They will fight to keep it from becoming law. They will pray.
Second, once Caesar declares it the Law of the Land, many Christians will feel sorry for the lost souls around them and will retreat to just praying.
Third, some Christians will go out into the streets to openly protest the new decree by Caesar and continue trying to save those lost souls. They are usually the Christians who get beat, crucified or fed to lions and such. All will continue to pray for the lost.
Finally, the Christians will once again realize they can do nothing but pray. They will once again realize they are not part of this world. They will retreat further into their own groups and pray for all. They have been known to withdraw so far as to no longer have a National allegiance, only allegiance to God and His Christ. Wars will be fought without their participation and no care will be given for who rules. We will pray for all.
This has been our History for over 2000 years and I don't see it changing anytime soon. In the middle east, they are currently crucifying us and beheading us. In China, they drive nails into the heads of imprisoned Christians. Currently they beat us in the streets of America, soon they will make laws to silence us. It is nothing new to us. So we will pray.
When you go to a gay pride parade with signs that say "Repent or else" with flames drawn under it, you're not there to preach the love of Jesus,
They may have been, I don't think it had any chance of working but hey.. like I said, not my style. I have talked to a lot of people about my faith down through the years and I've never got anybody interested in finding out more about my faith by calling them names or telling them they were going to rot in hell...
I don't know that I would be out with signs saying that people are heading to hell ...... but on the other hand, if people don't understand the consequences, then why would they change? Why bother with spending an hour or more on Sunday going to church, or spend any time at all reading the Bible if there is no valuable reason for it?
"Read the Bible and go to church because you'll feel good about life."
"I feel great about life now."
"Come find our about God's love for you."
"Look at how much we have won lately. It seems as though God loves us more than ever right now."
People need a reason to change. They need a reason to invest time in going to church.
Following 9/11, we had massive church attendance. People came to church because they needed to feel a connection to God. Churches had an incredible opportunity to bring people into the church permanently, and they dropped the ball. Many churches did not come down too hard on sin, instead they went easy on sin. The message of the church has to be balanced, that the world is on the condition it is in because of man's sin, and the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ.
I think that too many churches moved away from that kind of message. People wanted to understand why and how such a horrific thing could happen, and what happens to those who killed, and those who were killed. The church, as a body, had an incredible opportunity, and they fumbled and dropped the ball. We lost a ton of people right there.
We also lost a ton of people when supposedly Christian churches failed to deliver a Christian message. I was reading about the Presbyterian Church (USA) and how they have just approved gay marriage to go along with gay clergy. They are bleeding membership, and they just lost ...... by a report I just read ..... 34,000 Black Churches.
They seem to have the right idea ... stick to the scriptures, and teach the entire Bible. The church has to teach salvation, but if people don't know why they need salvation, then the message of salvation is worthless. People need to understand their sin, why it is so horrible, the consequences of unrepentant sin, and the blessing of salvation that Jesus Christ offers all of us. If any part of this message is missing, then the whole message is impacted.
Back to the protests, yes, if they feel the need to protest, they should do so, but they need to have a Biblical message regarding marriage. They have every right to protest such gatherings of people. They should use a message that says that God loves and forgives us all, if we will give ourselves to Him, and repent of our sins. A message that sin offends God is not out of line, but there has to be more. ALL sin offends God, and is worthy of death. My sins make me worthy of death, except for the love of my Lord Jesus Christ, who gave me salvation and saved me.
Just a few thoughts off the top of my very tired head.
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
The kids who did the beating are punks, and should be punished via the law. I hope there faces were recognized by the video and they were arrested.
I guess in my own right, I don't understand why the Christians were there with signs like that provoking people into altercations.
Do gay people stand outside of churches holding up signs that say "convert or die" or "your religion is wrong" ?
Serious question. ^^
I've never read about it.
In the I interest of fairness...
Religious people who oppose gay marriage are asked by supporters "How does two men/women getting married effect your life in any way? It doesn't".
So I ask the same...
How does someone standing on a sidewalk with a sign telling you that you are going to hell effect your life in any way? It doesn't.
I've been amazed how many pro-gay marriage people have all of a sudden taken an interest in religion. All these people have talked about how Christians have no right to tell them how they should live, yet somehow they've decided that they have a right to tell Christians how to be Christians?? I don't get it. But I don't have to... I'm not gay or religious.
"Hey, I'm a reasonable guy. But I've just experienced some very unreasonable things." -Jack Burton
-It looks like the Harvard Boys know what they are doing after all.
The CNN reporter’s mistake soon came to light. It wasn’t an Isis flag, after all.
As the Pink News helpfully explained: ‘Unfortunately for Lucy Pawle, the flag shown to shocked viewers across the world was in fact a celebration of anal sex toys.’
So that’s all right, then.
Closer examination of the banner showed silhouettes of a number of sex aids, mostly shaped like cruise missiles, although one seemed to bear a striking resemblance to the Starship Enterprise — presumably, to boldly go . . .
That gives a whole (hole?) new meaning to "Captains' log......."
5 “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
7 “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.[a] 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done,[b] on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread,[c] 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.[d]
14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
So an entire parade of sexual perversion and gross behavior is not causing a negative effect but a few men with signs should be beaten instead?
Wait till you start having rape alleyways like you do in Europe where they trick tourist into the gay areas to get raped. They find it funny when straight men get raped.
The problem with allowing sexual immorality to flourish is that it only gets worse and worse because as people get more hardened by seeing nastiness and it becomes normalized these perverts then need to do even more perverted things to get their rocks off. In other worse when the perverse becomes normalized it's not enough for them anymore and they want that feeling of being naughty and bad again so they do worse things to feel naughty again.
It keeps going on until finally people say enough is enough but sadly that doesn't happen until after some kind of tragedy happens to really open up the people's eyes blinded by the allure of sin.
I'm glad to see some churches are standing up against the acceptance of sin of homesexuality. I'm willing to bet this becomes more of a political issue real soon as Christian voters realize they have to get out and vote if they want a country they can be proud of instead of ashamed of.
You can't fix stupid but you can destroy ignorance. When you destroy ignorance you remove the justifications for evil. If you want to destroy evil then educate our people. Hate is a tool of the stupid to deal with what they can't understand.
Wait till you start having rape alleyways like you do in Europe where they trick tourist into the gay areas to get raped. They find it funny when straight men get raped.
I tried google but I couldn't find anything about these rape alleyways. I also asked my colleagues in France and Germany today about them and they never heard of them either.
Wait till you start having rape alleyways like you do in Europe where they trick tourist into the gay areas to get raped. They find it funny when straight men get raped.
I tried google but I couldn't find anything about these rape alleyways. I also asked my colleagues in France and Germany today about them and they never heard of them either.
Have you asked Fox News or ?
So an entire parade of sexual perversion and gross behavior is not causing a negative effect but a few men with signs should be beaten instead?
Wait till you start having rape alleyways like you do in Europe where they trick tourist into the gay areas to get raped. They find it funny when straight men get raped.
The problem with allowing sexual immorality to flourish is that it only gets worse and worse because as people get more hardened by seeing nastiness and it becomes normalized these perverts then need to do even more perverted things to get their rocks off. In other worse when the perverse becomes normalized it's not enough for them anymore and they want that feeling of being naughty and bad again so they do worse things to feel naughty again.
It keeps going on until finally people say enough is enough but sadly that doesn't happen until after some kind of tragedy happens to really open up the people's eyes blinded by the allure of sin.
What an absolutely warped view of gay people you have. It's no wonder you hate them so much. Gay rape alleyways are coming now? Seriously?!! Hahahahaha! Too much, really. This is true ignorance at its finest.
It's people like you who teach and preach this kind of absurdity that will end up in the ears of some less than stable individual and get someone killed for who they are. You may be sickened by people who don't believe the way you do, but I can assure you, the feeling is quite mutual.
So an entire parade of sexual perversion and gross behavior is not causing a negative effect but a few men with signs should be beaten instead?
Wait till you start having rape alleyways like you do in Europe where they trick tourist into the gay areas to get raped. They find it funny when straight men get raped.
The problem with allowing sexual immorality to flourish is that it only gets worse and worse because as people get more hardened by seeing nastiness and it becomes normalized these perverts then need to do even more perverted things to get their rocks off. In other worse when the perverse becomes normalized it's not enough for them anymore and they want that feeling of being naughty and bad again so they do worse things to feel naughty again.
It keeps going on until finally people say enough is enough but sadly that doesn't happen until after some kind of tragedy happens to really open up the people's eyes blinded by the allure of sin.
I'm glad to see some churches are standing up against the acceptance of sin of homosexuality. I'm willing to bet this becomes more of a political issue real soon as Christian voters realize they have to get out and vote if they want a country they can be proud of instead of ashamed of.
Let's try to figure this out... there is no abhorrent behavior on the heterosexual side... Yeah, sure, it is a nice try but there are just way to many examples to even begin to claim that the heterosexual side has not sinned.
"Jameis Winston: guaranteed to throw 6 TD's/game. Tune in next week to see which team benefits-"
Heterosexuals sin like crazy. Look at the divorce rates and see how many are the result of extramarital sex. It is a shame, to be sure, and it is sin, to be sure.
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
Wait till you start having rape alleyways like you do in Europe where they trick tourist into the gay areas to get raped.
Ha, this guy...
Funny, I've been to Europe several times and have never been tricked into a rape alley by a gay man. I guess they just use their gay powers and know which ones are the weak ones