Video Captures Extreme Police Brutality In California The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s office in California has ordered an investigation into the beating of a
!!!WHITE MAN!!! who was repeatedly punched and kicked while he was on the ground. The use of force incident was captured by a local NBC affiliate helicopter:
“The video surrounding this arrest is disturbing,” San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner John McMahon said in a Sheriff’s Office press release issued Thursday.
According to the press statement, Francis Pusok fled by car after police served a search warrant to his home related to an identity theft investigation. Pusok abandoned his car during the chase, and allegedly stole a horse and continued to flee. As deputies approached Pusok who had fallen off his horse, a “taser was deployed but was ineffective due to his loose clothing. A use of force occurred during the arrest. An internal investigation will be conducted regarding the use of force. … Pusok was transported to a local hospital with unknown injuries.”
A two-minute video taken by a local NBC affiliate chopper showed deputies repeatedly kicking and punching a man, now identified as Pusok, even as he was laying and put his arms behind his back. One deputy fired his taser, then proceeded with another deputy to kick Pusok in the head and knee him in the groin. Three other deputies arrived and joined in the beating. By NBC’s count, there were a total of 11 deputies and “during the two minute long beating, it appears Pusok was punched 37 times, kicked 17 times, and struck with a baton four times. Thirteen of those blows were to his head.”
McMahon told NBC, “I’m not sure if there was a struggle going on with the suspect. It appears there was in the early parts of the video. What happens afterwards, I’m not sure of, but we will investigate it thoroughly.”
A sheriff’s spokesman told NBC that the suspect did not appear to have any sort of weapon.
“How can you be tased and still feel it’s necessary to beat him like that,” Pusok’s girlfriend said. She also stated that she didn’t know which hospital Pusok was sent to, but was told that his injuries weren’t life-threatening.
Hector Villagra, the executive director at the American Civil Liberties Union condemned the actions as “disturbing.” He wrote in an emailed statement, “Once again video has provided an important account of what really happened, this time in San Bernardino County … While we applaud Sheriff John McMahon’s prompt decision to investigate the disturbing actions of his deputies, we believe more is needed. Too often the department has failed to address questions, including those raised by the ACLU SoCal, about use of force and Taser policies.”
According to The San Bernardino Sun, “taser use by deputies was called into question again in 2014 on at least two occasions.” In one case, deputies shocked a man at least 25 times. And the Sheriff’s Department “is also facing five lawsuits from inmates who accuse deputies of torture, sometimes with a Taser to the genitals.”
I'm sure this is just a Hollywood fake performance to prove police aren't racially biased when they beat the CRAP!!! out of someone.