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#886990 06/11/14 12:37 PM
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Anyone keeping up with E3 this year?

As a console gamer, I'm pretty enthusiastic about it. Currently I only own a WiiU (of the current Gen, I have all three last gen systems), but I think I plan to buy a PS4 for the Naughty Dog exclusives. Still not sure, but until more games come out, I don't see any reason to get one yet. Dragon Age 3 and Destiny will probably push me over the top. Then I'll grab Watchdogs and inFamous: Second Son and Killzone.

But Nintendo's show looked great. New Zelda that's openworld, kinda looks like Skyrim (a game I was absolutely obsessed with) and a new Star Fox sounds great. I just hope that the Star Fox is its own game and not a remake from the N64 version or something.

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PeteyDangerous #886991 06/11/14 12:52 PM
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I'm trying to keep up with it, but it's hard to stay on top of all the announcements. I'm pretty stoked about Zelda, but now that means I have to get my hands on a WiiU.

I was really disappointed with Bioware's presentation. They basically just said, "We're working on stuff."

Honestly, how can you show up to the biggest event in your industry and present absolutely nothing for however long they were up there? I guess I'll look for what they said about Dragon age. I believe they had a playable demo for that.

There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.

oobernoober #886992 06/11/14 01:03 PM
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Honestly, how can you show up to the biggest event in your industry and present absolutely nothing for however long they were up there? I guess I'll look for what they said about Dragon age. I believe they had a playable demo for that.

This is the biggest thing IMO. Videos and trailers are great, but I always like to see Gameplay. Not sure if that's what we saw with Zelda.

As for the WiiU. I have Mario Kart 8 and I'm playing through Wind Waker and Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong is 2D which was disappointing, but it's very challenging and well made. Just seems like an older generation game. I'm enjoying Windwaker but it's certainly just a Gamecube Port. But Mario Kart 8 is pretty sweet. My g/f and I play it pretty regularly, and she's beginning to enjoy it more now that she is getting better.

And I play a fair amount of their internet multiplayer thing. I like that a lot. It's quick, you can play some races, and get out. As usual, Nintendo style. Not necessarily realistic, no real cars. But there's a ton of skill involved and it's well made. So I love that game. That's what I have to say about the WiiU. I plan on grabbing Mario3D world (probably today) and I'll see how the girlfriend likes it, I'll post something about it at some point i'm sure. I doubt we'll buy it though. Mario Kart and Mario Party look like cool ones.

I hope they have smash bros. over the internet too. That could be same style. Well made game, and something I can play for 15 min and then get out.

But yeah, the WiiU is really showing some value. I guess if I was 14 or something and didn't have the money to spend, I might hold off. But I'm 28, and it's a hobby, I'm not into cars, I'm not into fishing, and I don't own a boat yet (I already spend half my life working on one, so it doesn't excite me that much). So I can handle spending 400$ and getting that Mario Kart Bundle and two other well made games.

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PeteyDangerous #886993 06/11/14 01:35 PM
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I should provide some context. I'm a big big Mass Effect fan. They said they were going to present Mass Effect, and technically, they did. But what they ended up putting out there was not even what I would consider a teaser. They showed 2 or 3 rendered environments which were very generic, and they showed a new suit of armor, which looks like a beefed up version a couple that they had in the previous games. Everything else was "blah blah blah, this is going to be the greatest ever." Then they ended the video showing some rendered environments about their (Bioware's) brand new game that's coming out. They won't say what it's about, won't show any characters, didn't say anything about plot, timing, or anything. Just environments that looked basically the same as the ones they showed for Mass Effect.

I hate to sound like I'm throwing a hissy-fit over my favorite games. I just don't understand how these studios feel ok putting out a communication that says absolutely nothing. E3 is the biggest stage to show off what they've been working on, and they make it seem like they haven't done anything.

There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.

oobernoober #886994 06/11/14 02:48 PM
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I hate to sound like I'm throwing a hissy-fit over my favorite games. I just don't understand how these studios feel ok putting out a communication that says absolutely nothing. E3 is the biggest stage to show off what they've been working on, and they make it seem like they haven't done anything.

As someone who also loves the Mass Effect series. I'd say you probably shouldn't worry about it.

The first three games were great (aside from the ending of 3, but it's so miniscule compared to the series, that who cares).

Just have faith in Bioware. I know that when the next Mass Effect comes out, I'll play it. I'm sure it'll be good. I'm much more concerned about the story if anything. But the writing for the series is very very good anyway. I was hoping for a new IP as I don't quite understand what they plan to do (where they go from the end of Mass Effect 3). I don't see what options they really have.

But seeing as it's Bioware, and one of my all-time favorite series, I'm not worried. It might be annoying, but I don't think they'll put out a bad product. In fact, they'll surely put out a good one

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PeteyDangerous #886995 06/11/14 04:32 PM
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I only watched the Sony Presser since I only have a PS4/3/vita.

I liked what I saw. There is a game from a indie studio called No Man's Sky that looked really interesting to me.

Other than that Uncharted 4, Little Big Planet, The Order and Bloodborne all looked good. Next Gen releases of GTA V & Diablo 3 has me happy since I skipped them last gen. See the trailers for Far Cry 4, Batman AK & Metal Gear Solid P.P.. Oh and the Playstation TV (Called Vita TV in Japan) is something I want so I can remote play on my other TV in my house without having to move my console.

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FreeAgent #886996 06/11/14 04:50 PM
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I only watched the Sony Presser since I only have a PS4/3/vita.

I've got the Vita but I find that I rarely ever play the thing, I don't find it comfortable to hold, even with my trigger grip things.

I collect the games via PS+ but reality is I rarely played the thing except for the game Velocity Ultra and that game I might only have put a few hours into. Nothing like Gameboy and the pokemon game that I had 15 years ago.

I hope that I find that I need it at some point. But in reality, i'd rather play with the real system that thing any day of the week. Maybe PS4 remote play might get some use.

But this Vita TV, I'd be able to play PS4 on another television screen from the same console? That sounds genius! Then my g/f wouldn't complain about me getting out of bed so early on Saturday and Sundays to play videogames (which was my pitch to her with the Vita, and it didn't work out cause i just wanted to play my PS3)

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PeteyDangerous #886997 06/12/14 10:32 AM
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Am I the only one that pronounces hyperbole "Hyper-bowl" instead of "hy-per-bo-le"?
PeteyDangerous #886998 06/12/14 11:09 AM
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I only watched the Sony Presser since I only have a PS4/3/vita.

I've got the Vita but I find that I rarely ever play the thing, I don't find it comfortable to hold, even with my trigger grip things.

I collect the games via PS+ but reality is I rarely played the thing except for the game Velocity Ultra and that game I might only have put a few hours into. Nothing like Gameboy and the pokemon game that I had 15 years ago.

I hope that I find that I need it at some point. But in reality, i'd rather play with the real system that thing any day of the week. Maybe PS4 remote play might get some use.

But this Vita TV, I'd be able to play PS4 on another television screen from the same console? That sounds genius! Then my g/f wouldn't complain about me getting out of bed so early on Saturday and Sundays to play videogames (which was my pitch to her with the Vita, and it didn't work out cause i just wanted to play my PS3)

The only issue I have with the Vita is when I'm laying down, My arms get tired holding it up. I have the Walking Dead game and Final Fantasy X & X-2. Other than that I have my PS1 classics like Castlevaina SOTN and Wild Arms to play on it. Plus a few games from being a PS+ member.

I also use it for Remote play quite often but it's mostly single player, I can't play Online Multiplayer on remote play due to the small analog sticks and using the touch screen/pads to run/throw grenades/melee attack. It's too awkward and difficult for me.

The Playstation TV is called Vita TV in Japan. It's basically a Vita console unit, and it currently uses a Dual Shock 3 (supposed to be patched with DS4 support later, i guess this will depend on sales). You can play Vita games with the exception of ones requiring the Vita Touch Screen/pads. But just like the Vita you will have the PS4 link app to remote play your PS4. But this time you will have a controller instead of the Vita Controls. Japan already got the Dual Shock 4 patch, so hopefully by time it launches in the US we will have it also.

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FreeAgent #886999 06/12/14 12:14 PM
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The only issue I have with the Vita is when I'm laying down, My arms get tired holding it up. I have the Walking Dead game and Final Fantasy X & X-2. Other than that I have my PS1 classics like Castlevaina SOTN and Wild Arms to play on it. Plus a few games from being a PS+ member.

I agree, this is my issue too. And the thing is light, it just sucks laying in bed holding ur arms up.

And the TV Unit sounds interesting, Vita games on my television. But it should save to the Vita and stuff. Plus the remote play. So you can get around not having a PS4 in the other room. What I do wonder though is how the graphics are if you go from PS4 to Vita to TV. Plus using a DS4 controller would be money.

For me the controller is ridiculously important, and I just don't buy 3rd party controllers. It's something to vital to mess around with. The sole reason I bought 360 over PS3 was the DS3 controller. And when the DS4 controller came out (and you could use it on ur PS3), I bought that and a PS3.

Had the vita been more comfortable to hold (like the WiiU gamepad is), I'd probably play it more. It's very portable, I like that, and my grips make it better, but it's one of the main reasons I don't play the thing. But if I could somehow use it to play my games in my bedroom (on my bedroom TV), that would make the 200$ I spent on the thing absolutely worth it.

EDIT: Final Fantasy X is one of my favorite games ever. Had it for PS2 and I loved it. That game, SSX Tricky, and Metal Gear Solid with Snake and the introduction of that character, Raiden, might have been the only games I had for the thing (solely because the Dual Shock controller hurt my hands, lol). But I've tried FF13 or something like that, and the game sucked. I'm not sure I can go back to JRPGs anymore. That's what's holding me off xenoblade chronicles.

After games like Dragon Age, Fable, Witcher 2 and Skyrim, I much prefer RPGs where I'm actually doing the fighting. There's just more skill involved to go with the strategy. So I was looking at Final Fantasy X/X-2 and was just nervous about buying it. Do you play those JRPGs much? Is the gameplay still satisfying?

Last edited by PeteyDangerous; 06/12/14 12:19 PM.
PeteyDangerous #887000 06/12/14 12:59 PM
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EDIT: Final Fantasy X is one of my favorite games ever. Had it for PS2 and I loved it. That game, SSX Tricky, and Metal Gear Solid with Snake and the introduction of that character, Raiden, might have been the only games I had for the thing (solely because the Dual Shock controller hurt my hands, lol). But I've tried FF13 or something like that, and the game sucked. I'm not sure I can go back to JRPGs anymore. That's what's holding me off xenoblade chronicles.

After games like Dragon Age, Fable, Witcher 2 and Skyrim, I much prefer RPGs where I'm actually doing the fighting. There's just more skill involved to go with the strategy. So I was looking at Final Fantasy X/X-2 and was just nervous about buying it. Do you play those JRPGs much? Is the gameplay still satisfying?

I love Final Fantasy X. Still play FF 6 every now and then (bought it for iOS recently). But those games were good. I didn't like FF13 either. Played it through the whole first stage/mission and never put it in my PS3 again. They made it pretty but forgot to make the game play fun.

But I'm also more fond of Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Kingdoms of Amalur, Sacred 2 than I am of JRPG"s now. I'm still hoping for a good JRPG to come out to see if it's just my tastes have changed or if it's the JRPG's have been just crummy.

Could be me playing FF6 & FF10 are just nostalgia. :shrug

I was hoping for Fallout 4 news @E3 because now it means it's still far off, which means Elder Scrolls 6 is even farther off.

But last night I got my Father's day gift a little early since we are going away for the weekend. Watch Dogs. Played for about two hours and love the game, and nearly an hour of that was just trying to beat one side mission that I kept dying on.

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FreeAgent #887001 06/12/14 03:54 PM
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I was hoping for Fallout 4 news @E3 because now it means it's still far off, which means Elder Scrolls 6 is even farther off.

But last night I got my Father's day gift a little early since we are going away for the weekend. Watch Dogs. Played for about two hours and love the game, and nearly an hour of that was just trying to beat one side mission that I kept dying on.

I feel ya on Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Fall Out 3 and Vegas were great games, but I dunno if they can compete with Skyrim. They're all on my favorites of last generation, but Skyrim is just so massive. I loved that game.

Bethesda and Bioware are probably my two favorite developers. They pump out really good stuff. MassEffect, Fallout, Skyrim. Those games are worth every penny.

But it could be possible that there are two separate development teams working on these games. So who knows, I figure Fallout will be 2015, may be the next Elder Scrolls won't be too far away. But I hope they never pressure themselves to pump things out. There's plenty of great games to play, I'd rather wait and get a masterpiece than get a good but hurried game that could have been so much more.

Kind of like the newest Game Of Thrones Book, whatever you do, don't push George R.R. Martin, let the guy take his time writing the thing and let him make sure it is everything that it can be

EDIT: That's good to know about Watch Dogs too. I'm in real debate over getting the PS3 version or waiting until I get a PS4 to play it. I don't know too much about Ubisoft, but I liked FarCry 3

Last edited by PeteyDangerous; 06/12/14 03:55 PM.

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PeteyDangerous #887002 06/13/14 10:54 AM
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I'm more of an online RPG gamer. EQ, DAoC, WoW, Rift, etc.

The instant gratification of new gamers is ruining the genre. They catered to the casual player, which I place myself in playing just 2-3 hours a night 3-4 nights week, and essentially made everything obtainable regardless of play level.

For me that took away the prestige of acquiring special/unique items, and I have noticed all items and armor are beginning to look alike or less interesting as they need to create so much stuff to keep up with the "provide something new" attitude.

I've done stints in Battlefield. Modern Warfare/Call of Duty, which entertain me for brief stints, but online play in those games takes practice and as a PC gamer, there are a large amount of d-bags that get their jollies using cheat programs to auto-aim and track and crap, taking away any sense of strategy or entertainment.

Guess that's why I still get entertainment out of loading up Age of Empires and just challenging myself versus 3-4 AI teams.

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FloridaFan #887003 06/13/14 01:15 PM
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AoE, possibly one of the greatest games.

When I was younger I was a PC Gamer. Much more so than a console. Now I do console because I like the idea of not having to upgrade anything. The PS4 is made, and for like 7 years the gaming industry will focus on perfecting games to that machine. I like that.

PC's, you always had to worry about minimum specs. I've thought about those steam machines, and if I have a large surplus of cash, at some point i might make my own gaming rig. We shall see. I guess I could do it now, but I'm saving up for a downpayment so I can buy a house (and build equity instead of dropping all the money I do down the toilet every year in rent).

But yeah, Age of Empires, what a challenge. I loved it multiplayer, I think it was Age of Empires: Rise of Rome or something like that which I played the most multiplayer. Never did it with AoE2 (which was a good game) and AoE3 (which also was a lot of fun). Playing the computer was always great of course, but I preferred over the internet against folks (except when you faced seriously lag, I think back then 56k modems were still something to be stuck with). My buddy loved Death Match mode or whatever, but I liked the regular, start from the beginning and face off against someone. Stuff like that will humble you real quick, lol. Like chess over the internet.

The one major FPS I did get into was Counterstrike, Team Fortress, and later Day Of Defeat. Those games were phenomenal. But I will agree, especially in Counterstrike, cheating became a major thing. It became clear when some folks had auto-aim, I hated that. I got pretty darn good at Day of Defeat (Basically a Half-Life Mod, team WW2 shooter). Unbelievable game. Two of my buddies and I started a "clan" and we were very very good. We'd be on the phone with eachother while playing also (at that point we had cable modems).

Actually, yesterday I picked up Diablo 3 for 20$ at Gamestop for PS3. I was wondering how it would work. I always loved the Diablo games. But they were for the computer. And I must say, it's very good for consoles. One analog stick moves the character, the other does dodge moves. I've never tried MMO's so I've never done World Of Warcraft, but I assume the fighting is probably similar. It's refreshing, taking a break from Zelda's Wind Waker HD version and going back to something dark, action packed, and more adult oriented like this. Great game, and 20$ new is a steal.

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PeteyDangerous #887004 06/13/14 03:22 PM
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I did Diablo 3, on PC of course, when it came out. I have a circle of friends and we migrate from game to game, but each tends to have a default game we fall on in lean times.

D3 was good, but got old quickly. Basically as you finish a "level" you recycle everything on the next level of difficulty. It was fine one, two and even the third time through. By the fourth cycle, I was tired of seeing the same scenery and same monsters, just more of them.

Currently I am just playing around with EQ Landmark Beta, although I am quickly getting bored with rebuilding over and over, waiting or new additions. But if you like building games, it is something to look forward too. Biggest problem for me is that right now in its current state, there is no purpose to the objects we create, because combat and such is not implemented yet.

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FloridaFan #887005 06/13/14 07:14 PM
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I've done stints in Battlefield. Modern Warfare/Call of Duty, which entertain me for brief stints, but online play in those games takes practice and as a PC gamer, there are a large amount of d-bags that get their jollies using cheat programs to auto-aim and track and crap, taking away any sense of strategy or entertainment.

Yeah I agree, and it's only gotten harder to keep up with the youngsters and their monster energy drinks as the years have gone by. At age 38 they now demolish me, but I've just accepted that I suck and I die a lot. That mentality has allowed me to still enjoy Battlefield.

FloridaFan #887006 06/13/14 08:40 PM
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Currently I am just playing around with EQ Landmark Beta, although I am quickly getting bored with rebuilding over and over, waiting or new additions. But if you like building games, it is something to look forward too. Biggest problem for me is that right now in its current state, there is no purpose to the objects we create, because combat and such is not implemented yet.

Hmm. Sounds like you need some WIldStar in your life. If you want a 7 day guest pass just PM me. I think I have a couple left.

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Draftdayz #887007 06/15/14 12:29 AM
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Currently I am just playing around with EQ Landmark Beta, although I am quickly getting bored with rebuilding over and over, waiting or new additions. But if you like building games, it is something to look forward too. Biggest problem for me is that right now in its current state, there is no purpose to the objects we create, because combat and such is not implemented yet.

Hmm. Sounds like you need some WIldStar in your life. If you want a 7 day guest pass just PM me. I think I have a couple left.

Tried that in open beta, didn't care for it too much.

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FloridaFan #887008 06/19/14 04:13 PM
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I'm more of an online RPG gamer. EQ, DAoC, WoW, Rift, etc.

The instant gratification of new gamers is ruining the genre. They catered to the casual player, which I place myself in playing just 2-3 hours a night 3-4 nights week, and essentially made everything obtainable regardless of play level.

For me that took away the prestige of acquiring special/unique items, and I have noticed all items and armor are beginning to look alike or less interesting as they need to create so much stuff to keep up with the "provide something new" attitude.

I've done stints in Battlefield. Modern Warfare/Call of Duty, which entertain me for brief stints, but online play in those games takes practice and as a PC gamer, there are a large amount of d-bags that get their jollies using cheat programs to auto-aim and track and crap, taking away any sense of strategy or entertainment.

Guess that's why I still get entertainment out of loading up Age of Empires and just challenging myself versus 3-4 AI teams.

You had me at EQ. Still the best game ever in my eyes. (Memories)

Lurker #887009 06/19/14 05:07 PM
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