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Dawg Talker
Dawg Talker
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My PS3 has been running "slow" for a few months now. It more or less pauses randomly. For example, I play NCAA 12 a lot, and when I snap the ball, the quarterback takes about 3 steps back, then everyone pauses for a second or 2, then the game continues as normal. It also does this when running around in Skyrim, and even on occasion while playing Final Fantasy 13.
Not sure what it could be, but it even does it sometimes in the PS3 menu. Like, I will move from the Game drop down to the media one and it pauses for a second. So I don't think it is the laser, it seems to me to be a memory problem or processinbg problem. I have the 160GB HD and only have about 30GB used, so it shouldn't be an issue there.
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Is the fan area dusty/blocked?
Is your HDD the original HDD? If not, and you replaced it with a newer/bigger one, if it isn't the correct RPM, you could have issues.
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The fan area is fine. I keep it cleaned up. And it is the original HAD.
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I searched the Playstation Community and this is what I found: Quote:
Hello Everybody,
I found the problem at least for me and it may solve problems for a lot. It is the Harddrive. I guess Sony got a bad batch for years since i'm seeing a lot of complaints. My HD is a Toshiba and what got me was that the PS3 slim was purchased brand new 7 mths ago. 
Going into a week, i found that saving data and game startups was running slow. Eventually the PS Menus were running slow and shutting down took longer than usual. I realized all this was happening whenever the Hard Drive light on my PS was just on with minimal blinking, meaning that the HD is attempting to write something but it is very slow. Rapid blinking means that data is being written very fast. No blinking/no light means no data is being written at that moment.
I saved all my data onto a flash and then I took out the HD following an excellent guide on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/v/APtkJHWbWX8
I took my HD and connected it to an external enclosure which i then connected to my Windows 7 PC. Now it's like i have an external HD. I went into the drive and formatted it. After, i ran the check disk tool to scan the HD for errors. (On Windows, go to "My Computer" right click on the External Harddrive, lets say the drive letter is "E", click properties, click the tools tab and under error checking, click "Check Now". I chooze both "Automatically Fix File System Errors" and importantly, "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors". You can try it out on your "C" drive to know what i'm talking about. You can also check the link below:
After checking, the windows program found bad sectors on the Hard Drive! I don't know how Windows does do it but i think the program will "seal" the bad sectors so no data would be written there anymore but it is still there. In other words, when writing data, that area would be ignored.
I downloaded the PS3 update and saved it on my flash:
I put back my HD into the PS3, switched on and followed the onscreen instructions which will ask me to put in my flash to reload the PS3 with the update. After going through everything, the PS3 is running FAST! But i'm sure i am on borrowed time with the HD since more bad sectors would be created for whatever reason. If you want, get an "SATA" hard drive from a used laptop and switch it with the one on the PS3 and see what happens. (Make sure you run checkdisk on that HD also before using).Back up all your data before you do this. I'm confident this will help many. Cheers!
According to him either fix the error on the HDD or you can buy a new one.
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Just had to call Sony. After much complaining they offered to fix it for free. Does appear to be a corrupted hard drive at this point.
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Can you still back up your save files?
Man that would suck. At least they offered to fix it for free.
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At least you can still back up your save files tho, man that would SUCK
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Dawg Talker
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Can you still back up your save files?
Man that would suck. At least they offered to fix it for free.
Yeah I already got my saves from the harddrive. The system still runs even, it just randomly lags while playing games offline.
And Sony only "offered" to fix it for free after I complained for a half hour. I was honestly very disappointed in their overall customer service.
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Glad you got it worked out. Sucks that a company as big as Sony would have such crappy Customer Service.
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Yeah, I almost get the sense that I've been really lucky. I bought my Ps3 in November of 2006 when they came out and have not had a break down. Hopefully things continue that way. 
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Yeah, I almost get the sense that I've been really lucky. I bought my Ps3 in November of 2006 when they came out and have not had a break down. Hopefully things continue that way.
I've always had great luck with sony stuff. i treated my ps2 like a rental car and it still runs.
i got my ps3 in 2008, the metal gear bundle. at times it sounds like a boeing but it still runs like a champ (with an upgraded HDD)
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Yeah, I almost get the sense that I've been really lucky. I bought my Ps3 in November of 2006 when they came out and have not had a break down. Hopefully things continue that way.
I've always had great luck with sony stuff. i treated my ps2 like a rental car and it still runs.
i got my ps3 in 2008, the metal gear bundle. at times it sounds like a boeing but it still runs like a champ (with an upgraded HDD)
I took mine apart last year and put some thermal paste on. It was good for a while but it's back to sounding really loud when it's warm in the house. I want to purchase a new power supply because I have the original 60gb version and the power supply gives off too much heat. You can buy a later version (non slim) off E-bay for like $20 and it reduces the heat output.
I would love to do the whole Mod where you take apart the PS3 and put everything inside a PC Case with huge fans and mount the power supply far away from the board but that is probably above my skill level as well as my budget right now. Maybe I'll monkey with that after I get the PS4 just for kicks.
Forums DawgTalk Fantasy & Gaming PS3 Running slow.....Suggestions?