I forget what version of "Lakefront Development" this is, but I always like to stay abreast of these grandiose ideas and see if they will ever develop. So today, Mayor Jackson unveiled his latest concept for the lakefront, which includes a few areas - the Port, North Coast Harbor, something he calls Festival Pier, the Mall, and most eye catching to me, the "Burke Development District."
I don't get too caught up in the whole Burke airport decision and how best to use the land - airport or park. Both have valid points. But Browns fans, he isn't just talking about redeveloping the airport, this plan includes our beloved Muni Lot across the street.
Yes, he wants to make an office park out of the Muni Lot.
See and read for yourself:
PDF presentation (large file) CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Development of Cleveland's lakefront is a century-old story of piecemeal action and broken promises, but city officials say it's about to take a happy turn.
Mayor Frank Jackson unveiled a plan today for transforming 90 acres from the Port of Cleveland to Burke Lakefront Airport.
The plan would leave the port and airport in place while adding a hotel, marinas, offices, restaurants and shops.
Jackson and others quickly countered the skepticism certain to greet the latest in a series of grand visions for the waterfront.
They said the plan builds on existing assets like Cleveland Browns Stadium and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, while clearing up confusion about the future of the port and airport and who manages which section of the area. It has the endorsement of major lakefront interests, including the Browns and the port.
A marina for short-term docking and a pedestrian bridge over North Coast Harbor are funded by grants and will open in 2013, Chris Warren, Jackson's chief of regional development, hailed those projects as signs the mayor's plan will work.
"This is not pie-in-the-sky, just a pretty picture," he said at a City Hall news conference. "There are short-term initiatives we're moving on."