So I'm still a bit jet lag from the San Fran trip and was up later than usual last night watching Kimmell. He had parents take video of their kids telling them they ate their Halloween candy. I nearly fell out of bed I laughed so hard. Must've watched at least 10 times today --- enjoy for a laugh:
My fav is the chubby kid in the middle of the clip, then the reaction of the little guy at the end when he find out the peanut butter cups are gone! That also would not have gone over well with little Beerdowner.
Kids these days are so spoiled, entitled and bratty. Makes me sick. In my day we worked for our Halloween candy and we didn't complain when it came time to pay our parents the Halloween Candy Tax. And we didn't complain cuz we worked hard. Kids these days with their cell phones texting and rap music. When I want to talk to someone I pick up my telephone (what you kids call "landlines") and call them.