I was just watching a Browns commercial on Ch. 3, with some great Jim Donovan radio calls. I want to say it was early summer when he decided to take a medical leave of absence to have the bone marrow transplant to deal with leukemia. While I know he hasn't been doing the preseason games with Bernie, has anyone heard an update if he is expected back at all for the regular season games?
Run William Run for old times sake. Get better Jimmy D!
My son Chris and I were at that game....the last game of meaning we played in the stadium.
Now, I am going to play it again since we had low row pound seats and he was running away from us.....we did get to see the 4th down run stuff up close and personal.
If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.
the coolest part about that clip is that JD is always very very professional when calling a game (especially when you stick him up against other teams' honk announcers) but the browns fan in him came out.
I love JD's work and I hope we hear him back in the booth soon.