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I'm sorry you feel this way, Arch.
While I understand family obligations and not wanting to upset those you care about, it's too bad that it ruins Christmas for you.
I don't like being away from home this time of year, but I appreciate the people I am with right now that have chosen to have their Christmas party early so that I am part of it with them. I love their kindness and I will make sure I let them know that.
I will not allow some adversity to change the way I feel about this time of year. I refuse to do that and will choose to continue to embrace it because there is joy to be found no matter what the situation.
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Arch, Why don't your wife's parents and grandparents combine their Christmas parties? and yours also? I always go to my Dad's side on Christmas eve (which includes my grandmother, my aunts, my uncles, and my cousins) and to my parents' house Christmas morning, since i am single, and to my Mom's side Christmas afternoon (again grandmother, aunt, uncles, and cousins).
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It's starting.
I can't wait for Christmas to be over. Can't wait.
We should change the name to gift exchange day since that's what it's all about anymore.
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The commercialism is mildly disgusting, for sure.
I was griping about this a few years ago when a wisened co-worker told me, "Christmas is what you make of it".
So I try not to worry about the things about Christmas that bother me, and instead I aim to focus on the things I enjoy:
the music, the lights and decorations, time with family and friends, ands the general goodwill that seems to come with the season. Most people are a little happier at Christmas time, don't you think?
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Arch, Why don't your wife's parents and grandparents combine their Christmas parties? and yours also?
I can only wish. Here is what I'm told about my wife's grandparents Christmas: "It's always been on Christmas day."
And less than half the family shows up.
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Arch, Why don't your wife's parents and grandparents combine their Christmas parties? and yours also?
I can only wish. Here is what I'm told about my wife's grandparents Christmas: "It's always been on Christmas day."
And less than half the family shows up.
Then it's time to start some new traditions. And tell them that. Say "I know things have always been done this way, but with less than half of the family being able to attend, due to other family commitments, let's try something new" Then suggest something new and offer to host it at least the first year (that way you're offering the solution and the venue all in one). We've done that with my family,
We always went to my Grandma's for Christmas. Then my aunt and uncle got a bigger house and had 3 small children. Since they didn't want to pack up the 3 kids, they said "hey, our house is so big (meaning: lots of space for our large family), why don't we host Christmas Day. We'll make some pasta and have a ham, you all bring side dishes and desserts" Basically, it was their way of saying that they do not pack everyone up. Soon, I suspect, my sister will be the one offering to host Christmas Day.
And Grandma had been hosting for a good 30+ years when that tradition was changed.
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We host my wife's one side - grandparents, the half of the family that comes. Here, at our house. For the last 6 or 7 years.
I've got no problem with that - my problem is: Why does it have to be Christmas day? And the response I get is either a blank look, like "how dumb are you?", or "It's always been Christmas day."
Pisses me off. Why can't we do it a week before, or a week after? But nooooo. So, like I have said, we sometimes have as many as 4 on Christmas day (usually just 3), and then we have to rush rush rush to get home and get ready for the one we host.
Freaking stupid - but I'm the only one that sees that and says it. And it's caused problems. With that family, with my family, with the families we have to leave Christmas early, and with me and my wife.
So I just shut the hell up.
Sad thing is, I have a good time at every Christmas - and I long to be able to spend more time at each one.
I look at it like this: Christmas Day or Christmas Eve should be for my immediate family. Me, wife, and my kids. Extended family - our parents and siblings, etc - should be real close to Christmas. Extended, extended families should have Christmas a week or 2 - even 3 weeks, before or after Christmas day.
Guess what? My family does that - our extended extended family Christmas - one is this Sat. - the 11th. See? That works for everyone.
Gonna be done now - other wise I'll say something I shouldn't.
Merry Christmas to all of you that enjoy it.
And a bit of advice: As your family grows and gets older - make sure YOU aren't the one pushing the "old tradition" - you don't want to have a kid that feels about Christmas the way I do.
I love the REASON of Christmas. I absolutely HATE the pressure of "It's on Christmas day - be there or be scorned." Or "Its Christmas eve - be there".
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Completely understandable, arch. I had those issues with my first husband. Both of us had parents that were divorced, and each family had their traditions. It was completely, utterly INSANE! Luckily, I don't have to deal with it anymore.
My Dad's in So Cal and my in-laws live in WVa. We MAY spend Christmas Day with 2 sides of the family. My Mom's family and if my Dad's brother does anything, I'll go to his place in the evening. BUT, he's been doing his family dinner a couple days after Christmas. Makes EVERYTHING much easier. My Uncle started his own tradition when his kids started getting married and my Grandpa passed on in 1998.
At one time, Christmas was so stressful and made more so by the fact that my ex's parents are legally blind and cannot drive. So one year, on Christmas Eve, we drove up from Columbus, to Cleveland to pick them up. Dropped down to WVa to M-I-L's Mother's house, then up to Pitt for his Dad's family Christmas Eve thing. First thing Christmas morning, drove to Akron, dropped off the in-laws, then went to my Mom's family, then in the evening, my Dad's family and then drove back down to Columbus, since I worked in retail at the time and had to work the day after. And that was while the ex-in-laws were still married. It was my least favorite Christmas EVER!
So, I can empathize with you. I've started inviting my in-laws to come stay with us and head to my family's stuff for the holidays, that way we don't travel and I don't miss out on my family. It's worked out VERY well.
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I find myself in a different situation now.
My Aunt passed away, and it's a really good possibility that my Uncle may go to live with his sister out of state.
Almost all of my cousins already live out of state. My one cousin said that this is probably going to be the last time she flies.(She was very, very close to her Mother, my Aunt)
So .... I stand the real possibility of being down to my mother, and my brother and his family.
When I was a kid we used to make the rounds, making 4-6 stops in a single bound. Then the number dropped. And dropped. And dropped some more.
Man I would love one more Christmas visiting my grandparents on both sides, my 3 sets of Aunts and Uncles, my cousins ..... and so on .....
Oh well, the price of growing old I guess.
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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I'm sorry you feel this way, Arch.
I don't want to feel this way, trust me. I hate feeling this way.
And I can't wait till it's over.
I've never been one to hold back - my family knows how I feel. (my brother - the democrat king - feels the same way. I thank God that he lives in Denver - last year they were here over Christmas- and that just made things worse - and I told him "don't ever come back over Christmas again", And he agreed)
Problem is, I have to hold back, for the sake of family. It seems like everyone else comes first - and me, my wife, and my daughter and son, come in about 5th.
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It seems like everyone else comes first - and me, my wife, and my daughter and son, come in about 5th.
I have family like that. Here's what happens...if they make a "date" for a family thing and I can't make it or simply don't want to go, I say I'm busy. If I want to go, I do. Easy. If they don't have the kindness to ask me if a date works for me, I don't feel I need to drop/change things to appease them.
I know you won't hear any of this, Arch, because you haven't yet...but everyone has to deal with some things they would rather not. How any of it makes you hate Christmas music, though, is beyond me. 
#gmstrong #gmlapdance
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Easy - Christmas music reminds me of Christmas. 
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Just so I can sneak in some Zappa on the side I can handle anything.
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Arch, I understand 100%!! You are not alone. We feel torn in a million directions on every holiday. I litteraly break out in hives for about a week before and a week after. There really is no way to please these people. Christmas is the worst too... you're expected to bring gifts for everyone. We finally do have the money but would rather use it elsewere bc nothing is appreciated. I know there is nothing to say to make it better... just hang in there!
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While I enjoy the traditional Christmas music this time of year, my sick sense of humor also enjoys some of the more raunchy Christmas music that can be found. Since my father in-laws birthday is Christmas day, that day is always saved for my wife's family and I'm fine with that, but one of these years when they all converge at my home for Christmas/Birthday party, I'm going to get just drunk enough, get out my camera and stream some of that latter Christmas music mentioned into the living room stereo, just to get some good action photo's.
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I work retail. I've heard the same songs on a loop since about November 14th. 
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That sucks Arch.. but I have the answer.. either they all come to your house and bring presents and food, or they don't see the kids..  Yeah, as if that would really work...LOL
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I hate Christmas music with the exception of 'Merry Christmas' by the Kinks and the Springsteen song.
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Great news - we have 3 Christmases on Christmas day. Will only be able to make 2, as we "host" one of them at our house. I've already gotten e-mails saying "Oh, it's a shame you can't make it. Are you sure you can't? We've had our Christmas on Christmas day for ever...."
Yeah, and apparently so has almost every other person I know.
Now I find out the Christmas we have on the 26th is going to be at noon, not at 5 pm............*&%$(*&%(*%. And we'll show up at noon and no one will be there till about 1.
And the Browns are on at 1 - second to damn last game of the season......but "be there at noon".
Next Christmas song I hear I'll shoot the radio.
Next damn electric bill I get I'll shoot the lights.
Next person that say's "Merry Christmas" I'll slap.
People have forgotten the reason of Christmas.......it's not "show up"............
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Oh, had a message from my mother on Friday. "when Kelby is home this weekend, tell him to stop in, we have something for him...."
He lives 3 hours away. He's not coming home this weekend. He will be "home" for precisely 24 hours NEXT weekend...........He has a full time job, and lo and behold, his job expects him to be at work - imagine that!
No, he won't be stopping in - he's not coming home. By the way, you have his phone number - call HIM and tell him.
I hate this time of year. Hate it with a passion. I love what Christmas stands for - I just hate this time of year.
Forums DawgTalk K-9 Consensus Christmas Music: Yay or Nay?