I've asked a couple other people about this situation and have gotten indefinitive answers out of them, so I'll ask the board.
Awhile back I was visiting movie fan site and remember signing up for some kind of sweepstakes through a website called,
www.gorillanation.com to win a copy of Tales from the darkside season 3. I figured at the time I would sign up because normally I don't ever win anything. So yesterday I recieved an email from someone telling me I had won(the email did look legit, had the guys contact information at the bottom and all). So there's an attachment affidavit for me to print out, scan, and send back to him. I'm guessing this is to verify my age and that I'm over 18, but after reading through it I discovered if I sign, I'm agreeing to give info like photo and driver's license.
"I hereby give my consent to the Sponser the use of my name, photograph, and likeness, any content submitted as part of the sweepstakes, city state, and blah, blah...........
Has anyone ever won an online contest and filled out one of these, is this normal?