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by Patrick J. Buchanan

Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America.?

Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.

This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??

Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks.

Let him go to Altoona?and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids.?

Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.


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Erm...that's fairly racist in alot of parts. I don't think too many people are going to say thanks for being enslaved.

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Man, this guy is whack.


First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Uh, what does this have to do with Obama if he's mentioning Wright? And I love that Christian salvation is the reason blacks have reached such high heights.


Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

Yes, because all of those programs were designed to bring BLACKS into the "mainstream", and not just the poverty-stricken. No WHITES have ever benefited from those programs because, it seems, only black people are poor.


Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Actually, schools are NOT allowed to use quotas. And, say what you will about affirmative action, but this guy talks about giving blacks all these advantages in getting into schools. Did he just forget that for so long, whites were given advantages and blacks were given, well, absolutely nothing???


Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

Luckily, once again, no whites have ever used those facilities.


Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids.?

Um, my guess would be somewhere around the number of kids who deserved to get them. Ivy League schools don't just approach any black kid and say "come to our school, here's a scholarship because you're black."

And he talks about black-on-white crime. What the heck does that have to do with anything he's talking about? That blacks commit crimes against whites because blacks aren't thankful for things?

I take this guy's word about as seriously as I do when I have really bad gas. It's all sound and fury, but in the end, truly signifies nothing.

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A different view to be sure. I really like Pat but this is one of the things where he comes off as ...well...let's say insensitive . Just because he is an Old Guard kind of person doesn't mean that he doesn't have a point.

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And what point is that?

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I don't think too many people are going to say thanks for being enslaved.

I don't think there are many people who could say that as slavery was done away with over a 100 years ago . I get your point though.

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That the conversation has to be more than a one sided affair. There has to be a give and take not just a take .

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IMHO, the conversation should consist of this:

Party 1: There is still a lot of racism in this country. We must do everything within our power to attack it at its societal roots and make sure that every single person in this country truly believes that the ONLY difference between the races is the color of the skin.

Part 2: I agree. Let's do it.

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And what point is that?

That race relations needs to be a dialogue and not a lecture. Let me count how many times on here that I've been told I just don't understand and I can't understand so therefore I should just shut up... that's a real productive way to solve a problem.

He also has some very good points about the nature of crimes between white and blacks... what he doesn't even mention is the extremely high percentage of black on black crime.. Things have gotten much better just in my lifetime but we still have some serious problems and no side is without fault... but if it's going to keep getting better it's going to require input from all sides.

yebat' Putin
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I agree that there should not be a lecture.

I just don't agree with a lot of the points that Buchanan brings up.

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Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

I believe out of a lack of understanding that Pat feels many such issues are a "black/white thing" when in reality it's a have and have not thing.

But as long as the color barrier is used as such an obstacle, the poor just may never figure that part out.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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I don't agree with some of them either... and others I think he has a valid point just a poor delivery.

I just think it's easy for some people to dismiss everything he says because some of the things he says are sort of out-there...

yebat' Putin
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And what point is that?

Read the article. It's full of legit points.

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

GM Strong

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That race relations needs to be a dialogue and not a lecture.

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The Direct Answer Is Yes About Buchanan....However , It should also be noted that enslavement of Blacks is only half the fault of whites , after all it was other African tribes who sold enslaved blacks to whites in the first place....Pat always has to put his Christian Salvation spin on basically everything he says....I don't think that enslaving someone taking them to a foriegn land and imposing your religion on them in place of their own is what is meant by Christian Salvation....I would like to confirm some of the stats mentioned , but if true , as I have heard said before , it's pay back against whites for the crime of slavery....It would be interesting to compare those stats to Native American on white crime considering what we did to them....It is my belief that many blacks who are successful , respectful of the law and who appreciate the sacrifices of previous African American generations are just as turned off and offended by that group of African American who would call them Sell Outs....It is this non conformist group mainly which has promoted the counterculture that I'LL call Ghettoisms : Ebonics , Rap Music , Baggy pants , crooked hats etc. that is and has been responsible for a majorty of the stats mention for a number of years JMHO....

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What an idiot. Yes he's racist.

Secondly, this two way conversation he wants? If he had listened to Obama's speech, that's exactly what he said. He very specifically acknowledged the valid furstration of whites.

Third, America has been the best country on earth to blacks? What a joke. Pat needs to travel the world a bit. Venezuela, Canada, France, Denmark, etc etc etc. Pat is blind.

Fourth, all that stuff to lift up blacks? It's to lift up americans. You don't have to black to get welfare. I have student loans. I'm not black. What is he even talking about? Does he think there are no poor whites? What planet does h elive on?

He really thinks we fixed everything in the 60's? unbelievable. he is racist,stupid, manipulative, deceitful, and a blemish on the country.

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Is Buchanan right.... or Racist?

Can he not be both?

yebat' Putin
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I have been saying the exact same thing as Buchanan for years.

Yes, he is 100% right.

[b]USNavyDawg (Ret.)
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Third, America has been the best country on earth to blacks? What a joke. Pat needs to travel the world a bit. Venezuela, Canada, France, Denmark, etc etc etc. Pat is blind.

Pat is blind? How many of those countries you mentioned have YOU been too? And you say he is blind.


Fourth, all that stuff to lift up blacks? It's to lift up americans. You don't have to black to get welfare.

You are correct, you do not have to be black, however, take a guess as to the percentage of blacks compaired to white that are on it. Then once you see the high percentage of blacks, now take into account they are a minority in the country.


I have student loans. I'm not black. What is he even talking about? Does he think there are no poor whites? What planet does h elive on?

I didn't read anything much about student loans. Student loans have to be paid back. Blacks want the grants, and scholarships that do not have to be paid back.

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Blacks want the grants, and scholarships that do not have to be paid back.

All of them, or just a portion of the population?

Was there a poll somehwere?

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Blacks want the grants, and scholarships that do not have to be paid back.

I'm not black and I wanted as many of those as I could get too.

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Blacks want the grants, and scholarships that do not have to be paid back.

I'm not black and I wanted as many of those as I could get too.

Also not black, also wish I had more grants that didn't need paid back.

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Blacks want the grants, and scholarships that do not have to be paid back.

I'm not black and I wanted as many of those as I could get too.

True but you couldn't get as many as you wanted because......

[b]USNavyDawg (Ret.)
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The bigger point is this....

Is it illegal to be a racist in America?

No...unless you are in a position to deny others their civil and human rights and do that for the expressed purpose of discriminating against that person.

If we branded all people who utter racially biased remarks racist...thousands of whites, blacks, browns and other people would be wearing that big "R "around their neck.

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, .
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The bigger point is this....

Is it illegal to be a racist in America?

No...unless you are in a position to deny others their civil and human rights and do that for the expressed purpose of discriminating against that person.

If we branded all people who utter racially biased remarks racist...thousands of whites, blacks, browns and other people would be wearing that big "R "around their neck.

I don't think that was his point at all.

He, like Navy, believes that racist crap he wrote to be true. Which makes him a racist, and wrong.

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[ Venezuela, Canada, France, Denmark, etc etc etc. Pat is blind.

Pat is blind? How many of those countries you mentioned have YOU been too? And you say he is blind.

All of them except Venezuela, where my mother is from. I'm speaking from her comments to me.


You are correct, you do not have to be black, however, take a guess as to the percentage of blacks compaired to white that are on it. Then once you see the high percentage of blacks, now take into account they are a minority in the country.

Wonder why that is. Must be because they're lazier than whites and don't want to work. Not racist at all.


I didn't read anything much about student loans. Student loans have to be paid back. Blacks want the grants, and scholarships that do not have to be paid back.

Well he mentions them. Everybody wants the grants. You can get a grant for being italian, for being white, for being a woman, for being retarded, for being smart, for being born in a state, for being a resident of another state, blah blah blah.

What's interesting is that all these easy rides we're giving the blacks? seems to be working. Now they're improving they economic status and education and are getting off welfare and commiting less crime than before. Yeah, we should stop all those programs. Blacks will never get it, they're just born to be criminals and leeches on us hardworking whitey.

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Here is another question Jobenin casa. Why do Blacks ( maybe I should be asking some of the Black guys on here but you seem to have this all figured out ) vote Democratic to the man... or woman. I believe they went 92% in NC for Obama. I remember reading somewhere that Bush has done more for Black folks than than Clinton, especially in Africa. Yet when he went to the NAACP thing he was shouted down. I seem to remember seeing him cheered in Africa. I think this was before the media turned the country against him.

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The media didn't turn the country against him, him and his staff did it themselves. The only reason he was poular in the first place was because of 9-11.

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Here is another question Jobenin casa. Why do Blacks ( maybe I should be asking some of the Black guys on here but you seem to have this all figured out ) vote Democratic to the man... or woman. I believe they went 92% in NC for Obama. I remember reading somewhere that Bush has done more for Black folks than than Clinton, especially in Africa. Yet when he went to the NAACP thing he was shouted down. I seem to remember seeing him cheered in Africa. I think this was before the media turned the country against him.

I assume most blacks are voting for Obama for the same reason most older women are voting for Clinton - because they want to see one of themselves in the White house, and never thought it possible. Also, I think Obama understands much of the black experience that other candidtates do not. And I think some just like him the best. Will they vote for ANY black candidate? Nope. Remember alan keyes? Al Sharpton? Neither of them got substantial support. jesse Jackson did. It depends on the person.

Is it racist? maybe. But considering that there are many blacks today who marched with MLK, it's not surprising at all they are overly excited about Obama. Blacks overwhelmingly supported bill clinton. Didn't have anything to do with his race, but with the way he communicated to the black community that was particular to the black experience in America.

Just like Hillary would win AR if she was the nominee, even though they are heavy democrats. Just like if there was a candidate from Ohio, he'd likely win Ohio easily. Carter won Georgia. People Identify with someone who is more like them. Which I think says a lot about Obama, since he is different from the majority of Americans. JMHO

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All of them except Venezuela, where my mother is from. I'm speaking from her comments to me.

For a "poor white boy" you claim to be, those are some expensive travels...

I have also been to all but Venezuela (and many many more countries), while on deployments. And I can honestly say you are full of it.


Wonder why that is. Must be because they're lazier than whites and don't want to work. Not racist at all.

You said it, I didn't. But if that isn't the truth, tell me what is. Don't think I didn't notice you conveniently left that out.


Well he mentions them. Everybody wants the grants. You can get a grant for being italian, for being white, for being a woman, for being retarded, for being smart, for being born in a state, for being a resident of another state, blah blah blah.

What's interesting is that all these easy rides we're giving the blacks? seems to be working. Now they're improving they economic status and education and are getting off welfare and commiting less crime than before. Yeah, we should stop all those programs. Blacks will never get it, they're just born to be criminals and leeches on us hardworking whitey.

So what your telling me is that blacks need easy rides to succeed in the world? Agin, your words not mine.

[b]USNavyDawg (Ret.)
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Here is another question Jobenin casa. Why do Blacks ( maybe I should be asking some of the Black guys on here but you seem to have this all figured out ) vote Democratic to the man... or woman. I believe they went 92% in NC for Obama. I remember reading somewhere that Bush has done more for Black folks than than Clinton, especially in Africa. Yet when he went to the NAACP thing he was shouted down. I seem to remember seeing him cheered in Africa. I think this was before the media turned the country against him.

The reason the black people in this country vote so resoundingly for democrats...RONALD WILSON REAGAN (666 ) Since the days of Reaganomics, most black people will never trust another republican...Bush, Cheney, and Rove didn't help matters much.

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No...unless you are in a position to deny others their civil and human rights and do that for the expressed purpose of discriminating against that person.

That is a bigot....and people tend to marry racist and bigot.

I say they can be separate.

I think one can be a "racist" without being a bigot.

Just because you don't really want to be around a group of people doesn't mean you have to discriminate against them in a way that denies them their rights.

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

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And the joke on you is the democrats are the ones who really need a sub class citizen to stay in focus, and the American black is the group they pander to.


If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

GM Strong

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So what your telling me is that blacks need easy rides to succeed in the world? Agin, your words not mine.

What he's saying, is blacks needed those "programs" to get out of the suppression of Jim Crow. Now we're seeing those programs have some success.

Also, you need to back your assertion that the majority of welfare recipients are got some numbers for that? Or just some assumptions?

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And the joke on you is the democrats are the ones who really need a sub class citizen to stay in focus, and the American black is the group they pander to.


The joke is not on me my friend. So, we "American blacks" are sub class citizens? And the democrats are somehow bad for "pandering" to us, by at least vocalizing the intention narrow the economic gap between white and black (I agree that the execution is not always top notch)...and the republicans just ignore this sub class citizen...and the joke's on me right?

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good" Thomas Paine
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I assume most blacks are voting for Obama for the same reason most older women are voting for Clinton - because they want to see one of themselves in the White house, and never thought it possible. Also, I think Obama understands much of the black experience that other candidtates do not. And I think some just like him the best. Will they vote for ANY black candidate? Nope. Remember alan keyes? Al Sharpton? Neither of them got substantial support. jesse Jackson did. It depends on the person.

Is it racist? maybe. But considering that there are many blacks today who marched with MLK, it's not surprising at all they are overly excited about Obama. Blacks overwhelmingly supported bill clinton. Didn't have anything to do with his race, but with the way he communicated to the black community that was particular to the black experience in America.

Just like Hillary would win AR if she was the nominee, even though they are heavy democrats. Just like if there was a candidate from Ohio, he'd likely win Ohio easily. Carter won Georgia. People Identify with someone who is more like them. Which I think says a lot about Obama, since he is different from the majority of Americans. JMHO

Well said!

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good" Thomas Paine
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It you want to be equal(and I am sure you do), being ignored is exactly what you should want.

Because being ignored as a "group" means you are included in the whole group.

Really Ndue....Racism is a business for many of the black leaders...Jessie isn't interested in equality for the masses of black would be bad for business.

I know that is probably going to rub you the wrong way, but it really isn't intended to do's just an honest observation.

Too many people, of all races want a build votes, which is good for their business.

And don't think my use of the term sub-class is what I are way off base there.

If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.

GM Strong

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I'm confused why you think Reagan was so terrible. Under his administration, the country came out of a recession and the Cold War ended along with many other positive things happened. Are you saying that improving the overall economy instead of focusing on "pandering" to one group of people is a cause for mistrust?

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It you want to be equal(and I am sure you do), being ignored is exactly what you should want.

Because being ignored as a "group" means you are included in the whole group.

Really Ndue....Racism is a business for many of the black leaders...Jessie isn't interested in equality for the masses of black would be bad for business.

I know that is probably going to rub you the wrong way, but it really isn't intended to do's just an honest observation.

Too many people, of all races want a build votes, which is good for their business.

And don't think my use of the term sub-class is what I are way off base there.

I must say, I disagree with everything you just said. So, we'll just leave it at that.

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good" Thomas Paine
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I'm confused why you think Reagan was so terrible. Under his administration, the country came out of a recession and the Cold War ended along with many other positive things happened. Are you saying that improving the overall economy instead of focusing on "pandering" to one group of people is a cause for mistrust?

It had nothing to do with "pandering". Simple fact is, while the rest of the country got rich...trickle down economics didn't trickle all the way down...throw in the "War on Drugs" and chaos broke out in many black communities around the country.

Feel free to put the man on a pedastal if you want, just don't expect everyone to see it that way.

I personally like Reagan as a person, just not as a policy maker.

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good" Thomas Paine
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