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I'm really having a hell of a time marrying up your Ukraine stance with your Israel stance. Israel is a longtime ally to the USA. Ukraine is not an Allies. Never has been. If The US and NATO would have decided to join forces and decided to fight Russia, I would have supported that. I do not support throwing money away. Ukraine is a lost cause. Russia could take them any time they want. I believe they are playing with Ukraine trying to drain the west of money and resources. Biden and the dem's just throw money at them recklessly. Israel on the other hand is a sovereign nation. Palestine does not exist. That country was lost when the Ottoman Empire lost WW1 because they fought against the allied forces. The People that consider themselves Palestinians either need to accept that and become Israeli citizens or get out. Hamas is a terrorist organization and must be destroyed. Like ISIS and other radicals. I really can't even imagine how anyone could believe nearly everything you just said. I say that objectively. To dissect the points: 1. Ukraine is an ally. All allies start at some point. They pivoted toward pro-Western and pro-Democracy in 2014 when they broke from Russian puppet regimes. 2. You would have been okay with boots on the ground in Ukraine against Russia? 3. We are not throwing money away. I have explained this ad nauseum. The majority of our aid - the great majority - is sending materiel into theater to do what it was designed to do. We spend significant dollars every year to combat and/or stay ahead of Russia. The investment is finally paying off, with a B Team, nonetheless. 4. You believe they are playing with Ukraine trying to drain the West? Are you freaking serious??? That would be like me beating myself up hoping that someone else suffers for it. That concept is absolutely ludicrous. Russia could take them anytime they want? So, it's part of Russia's plan to allow Ukraine to invade and occupy Russia's own turf. I mean, come on man.... Even your guy was talking about how poorly it has gone for Russia. It's undeniable. 5. "Biden and the Dems just throw money at them recklessly." Again, proven false. 6. Israel is a sovereign nation...so is Ukraine. 7. Your point that Palestine needs to get out....so Russia should stay??? I mean, honestly, this is brainwashed level reasoning. I know that sounds harsh, but very little - if any - of what you said is based on rationality or objectivity. Sorry you are not rationale enough to understand reality!!! Do you not remember when Russia said it would go in and take Kiev in days? You think dragging this "Special Operation" out over several years is somehow benefitting Russia? So you're not ok sending equipment (much of which would have been obsoleted anyway), but you would be ok sending in equipment AND troops? How much brain damage did it take to make your arguments make sense?
There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.
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I thought Jesus said to love your enemy? Judge not lest ye be judged. Hypocrites like you are why I can't take the WWJD crowd seriously. He said a lot of things. But people usually boil it down to one liners like you did with no other portions of the story to give it context. When I strung many verses together to show the context of what he was actually saying you claim it's taken out of context. Same as it ever was.
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
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There’s a new disease that infects ignorant brains and kills all ability for critical thinking; it’s called “Trumpism”. Haven’t you seen a POTUS presser recently? Try making sense of that ish show. I think they should add Trumpism to the list of permanent mental disabilities, but then they’d all expect checks from das orangefarben fuhrer.
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I thought Jesus said to love your enemy? Judge not lest ye be judged. Hypocrites like you are why I can't take the WWJD crowd seriously. He said a lot of things. But people usually boil it down to one liners like you did with no other portions of the story to give it context. When I strung many verses together to show the context of what he was actually saying you claim it's taken out of context. Same as it ever was. When one replies in direct response to someone else's entire quoted post, and you take a tiny piece of that reply and apply it as if it was said in response to something you said-- That's taking something out of context. Yes, you doing that is the same as it ever was.
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/fkjZc8B/Bull-Dawg-Sig-smaller.jpg) You mess with the "Bull," you get the horns. Fiercely Independent.
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Another dishonest response and effort to dodge the point. People see your replies.
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
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There’s a new disease that infects ignorant brains and kills all ability for critical thinking; it’s called “Trumpism”. Haven’t you seen a POTUS presser recently? Try making sense of that ish show. I think they should add Trumpism to the list of permanent mental disabilities, but then they’d all expect checks from das orangefarben fuhrer. Not a new disease, just an expression of an old one. ...when someone is compulsively obsessed with something (like "Trump" and Nazis) they diagnose it as OCD....
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/fkjZc8B/Bull-Dawg-Sig-smaller.jpg) You mess with the "Bull," you get the horns. Fiercely Independent.
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Another dishonest response and effort to dodge the point. People see your replies. Yes, not quoting the entire bible when someone drops some WWJD snark alongside claims of punching people in the mouth is a horrific failing on my part, and is oh so terribly dishonest. 
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/fkjZc8B/Bull-Dawg-Sig-smaller.jpg) You mess with the "Bull," you get the horns. Fiercely Independent.
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So now you try to claim it was "snark"? Revisionist history won't work here. This isn't the first thread you tried to pretend you are the authority on Biblical context. Don't try to squirm out of it now.
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
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So now you try to claim it was "snark"? Revisionist history won't work here. This isn't the first thread you tried to pretend you are the authority on Biblical context. Don't try to squirm out of it now. How would you describe OCD's use of WWJD? As you said, people can read what was written. Maybe not you, but some people. I made no claims to biblical authority, there's your other common erroneous argument device, the strawman. It would be so nice if you had a point for me to dodge other than the one that formed above the apparent vacuum where a brain used to be before the voice in your head took up residence. If you have something useful to say, say it. If you want to play BS gotcha, keep your metaphorical fists up.
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/fkjZc8B/Bull-Dawg-Sig-smaller.jpg) You mess with the "Bull," you get the horns. Fiercely Independent.
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You used one liners to act as if they mean something while trying to dismiss an entire story from the Bible when it actually put things in context. Trying to make that my fault won't work. You can call that "strawman" or anything else you like to try and dismiss your actions. That's pretty much standard operating procedure around here.
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
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You used one liners to act as if they mean something while trying to dismiss an entire story from the Bible when it actually put things in context. Trying to make that my fault won't work. You can call that "strawman" or anything else you like to try and dismiss your actions. That's pretty much standard operating procedure around here. You're talking about a post where I wrote seven paragraphs. Meanwhile, you pull out one line, and act as if that means something without the context. What am I trying to dismiss? A story from the bible that no one mentioned until you after the fact? Or your vendetta? Can we get back to the topic instead of you trying to stir the pot with me because I seem to make you insecure even when I'm not talking to or about you. You jumping in with some ridiculous BS hacked out of place when I'm trying to further a discussion with anyone else has been beyond tedious for way too damn long.
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/fkjZc8B/Bull-Dawg-Sig-smaller.jpg) You mess with the "Bull," you get the horns. Fiercely Independent.
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My vendetta? Do you really value yourself as that important to me? Then you go over to the refs forum whining. So the one whining and carrying on about my comments isn't the one who is insecure? You may wish to look into that. How is attacking OCD furthering the discussion here? It's not. Stop with the charade already.
IMO OCD does go over the top. On that much we agree. But so do many others and when you get called out due to singling one of those people out while ignoring so many others who use the same tactic then get called out for using the Bible as a prop you throw a tantrum. Then claim I'm the insecure one? Have you ever considered a future in stand up comedy?
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
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