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You do realize if you simply had your groceries delivered or used their pickup service you could avoid your pet peeves, right?  No way would I do that. Something would be substituted left off the order completely. I don't order much online. I would rather to the store for what I need. I have to admit I have had pizzas delivered before and when I buy furniture I have it delivered so they can bring it in and take care of any set-up and clean up of boxes, etc.. I wouldn't have it delivered either or set for pick up. I grew up in the country. We had a huge garden and raised our own beef on my uncles farm. It makes it easy for me to be able to pick out meats and vegetables. I'm rather picky about that. I don't trust a stranger whose job it is to simply grab items and throw them into a cart to pick out my fresh vegetables and meat. I'm not sure what I would do however if I was so disturbed by the conduct of others at the groceries. I have shopped in areas where the overall conduct of my fellow shoppers was much worse than it was in rural Ohio or is here in the suburbs of SE Nashville. In that regard I've been pretty fortunate.
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I’m old fashioned. I prefer to go to the grocery store, which is easy since it’s literally a five-minute walk. I won’t use the self-checkout because I like the human contact of walking to a cashier, and like peen, I will do my small part to help keep people employed.
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I’m old fashioned. I prefer to go to the grocery store, which is easy since it’s literally a five-minute walk. I won’t use the self-checkout because I like the human contact of walking to a cashier, and like peen, I will do my small part to help keep people employed. I agree. Being retired, going to the store is a highlight of my day. My peeves are mostly past experience. Now days i go early in the mornings on weekdays. I have my stash in the garage. After that, I shop pretty much for that day. I have little else to do, I like to cook, so I usually get nothing more than to last me today or tomorrow.
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I’m old fashioned. I prefer to go to the grocery store, which is easy since it’s literally a five-minute walk. I won’t use the self-checkout because I like the human contact of walking to a cashier, and like peen, I will do my small part to help keep people employed. We do the bulk of our household shopping at a Kroger, 12 min away. It has most of what we need, and it's easy. Every once in awhile, we need something that Kroger doesn't provide. Then, it's Foodtown. It's 6 min away. Smaller. Less 'corporate.' More like the Mom&Pop IGA that was home to my first W2 job. I know Lydia, Marion and Priecy. I keep up with their families, they keep up with my next gigs. I know them because the Foodtown 6 mins from my house has zero self-checkout lanes.Talking to strangers is a dying art. "Small talk" is essential. "Small talk" leads to deeper talk when faces become familiar. And then, Clem gets to know ladies like Lydia, Marion and Priecy. At Foodtown, the pace is slower. It's more 'neighborhood.' I try to visit when there isn't a line of customers pressuring the checkout lanes. I never have a cartful of work for them, and I always come with a goofy joke that makes them laugh. I'm actually someone to them... and they are actually people who now mean something to me. Not friends, not strangers. Community. I don't think that this is something special I created with these ladies at Foodtown. I think I became a willing participant in my neighborhood's culture- and this is my reward. Also- I almost never see rogue shopping carts living feral lives in the Foodtown parking lot. I don't think this is coincidence. I think it's evidence that such a thing as 'community' still exists. I think a lot of our 'pet peeves' stem from the same root: social isolation. When we are out in public- and witness the things that irritate us- most of the time, it's not rudeness. It's a lack of individual thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness is the understanding that at some point, your space will bump into someone else's space. At that moment, that's when common manners should kick in. If we are tuned out to the world around us (with cell phone addiction/earbuds/[insert personal distraction here]), we miss the human behavioral cues we need to successfully navigate the world around us. 70% of my shopping is still done at Kroger. It's efficient, effective... but also competitive/impersonal as hell. 30% of my shopping is at Foodtown or other more local establishments. I see much more 'community behavior' the farther I get from The Big Box Stores. just sayin'
"too many notes, not enough music-"
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I know it might be hard to believe that I have pet peeves, but I do.
I'll just start with the grocery store.
People who leave their buggy wherever they feel in the parking lot rather than return it to a proper parking spot.
People parking in a handicap slot who don't need the help. Just because you are driving your mothers car which has a sticker doesn't mean you have to park there.
People who take up the whole aisle and seem oblivious to those behind them. I want to ram them with my buggy.
People who go in to the express line with WAY more than the 10 items. Close is OK, I am talking way over the number.
People who get to the check-out cashier and are talking on their stupid cell phone. That cashier is providing you a service who at minimum deserves your respect and attention during the process. It's rude, and I don't like rude people. I could make cell phones it's own category.
That's a start, I will think of more. Aaah, the grocery store, where common decency is easily discarded. Of all those gripes you expressed, there’s nothing more egregious than people who have a big cart full and go to the express lane. I’ve been told by cashiers - the wife works at a big grocery store - that THEY are told to ring them through. I’ve called out putting people once or twice but they look at me with a flabbergast expression. I no longer bother. But, one has to know in advance that when they go to the grocer, there will be people in the way, they will block the aisle, but if you merely say excuse me, they are happy to let you pass. That’s how we do it in east coast Canada. I didn't even realize express lanes still exist. I regularly go to Kroger, Meijer & WM. I don't recall any being labeled as such. I go self-checkout even with a large amount because there are so few full-service lanes which are usually backed up and I usually have frozen items I don't want thawing. I use the self check if Ionly have 2-3 items. After that, I figure I don't work there so why do the work, plus, I like to use the cashiers to help keep them employed. They wouldn't be there if they didn't need the job. Actually, I would prefer human contact with a real cashier also. In fact, I usually try to strike up a conversation with the cashier and bagger. But if I have a lot of frozen or perishable items, and the available cashier lines are 3-5 deep with many having full carts, I want to get it checked out.
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I have seen the interactions that people who work closely with the public sector encounter with their customers on a somewhat regular basis. Far too often it's not good and customers take their frustrations out on people who have nothing to do with the situation they're complaining about. One such example is how they complain in the checkout line to the cashier about the price of groceries. The same goes for servers at restaurants.
More often than not these people make far less money than the customers complaining about food costs. The people they're complaining to have nothing at all to do with the high cost of food and it impacts their family as much as it does anyone. I make it a point to give positive comments any time I get good service and be pleasant to them. I make a point to tip well when I get good service. I tip above the average recommended percentage even for average service. Quite often I have had servers look rather surprised by the amount I have tipped. I don't really say much in response. My standard reply is that I know how much they depend on their tips and we all have to eat.
I don't consider any of that special. I don't think it makes me some kind of great person or anything. All it really does is help bring a sense of balance to people that as a whole often times have a pretty crappy day because of how they are treated by the public. All it takes sometimes is a little positive reinforcement and to know they are appreciated to help turn someone's day around and it isn't a difficult thing to do.
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One other ......
What the heck happened to Amazon? It used to be an almost miraculous next day service (with Prime) ...... but now it's at least 2 days, and often 3 or 4. Blah. Honestly, I'm over online shopping. Between shipping delays and porch pirates and everything else that can go wrong, I buy local if I can. I only buy online if I can't find it in a store.
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its not their problem and im appreciative of what they do during storms.
that being said, what irks me is when drivers plow the roads, and I also have to dig out the snow to the entrance to the driveway, which is way heavier than the snow i just finished shoveling. it gets to me so much when i already have to go out and shovel the driveway.
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My new pet peeve is when I send out my annual Christmas donations .... and get hit up for more money, almpost immediately, by the people I just sent money too. Dec 15: do online donation to a new charity. Dec 16: Get a thank you email, with a request for more. Dec 18: Get a letter at home with a request for more. Dec 20: Get another letter with a request for more. And the beat goes on. Charitable requests and also Credit Card pre-approvals are my live now. You would think that Credit Card companies would give up after the 15th letter ...... but Noooooooooo. I wind up filling up a garbage bag with the shreddings of these idiotic things.
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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Back in the day, there used to be "rules" of concert etiquette. They dated back 100 years, and were were stupid when they became standard. They've been determined to be stupid now- which is why Orch audiences look very different than when I started my career. I, for one, have welcomed it for as long as I've been in the game. Fewer boundaries to sharing Art is a good thing.
Wear what you want, so long as you place your butt in a seat (make sure your butt is clothed). If we finish a part of a bigger piece, and you feel the desire to applaud- do so. Others will join you. Applause is welcomed.
The "rules" have been relaxing for two+ generations, for good reason: Live Music is a give & take between performers and audience. It's a dialogue. And it's different every time. The looser the rules, the freer the back & forth... and the better the energy in The House, each and every night.
That said, I have one rule that wish concertgoers would follow:
Please unwrap ya damn throat lozenges during the loud parts! Even if you don't need them during the loud parts.
There is nothing worse than playing your way through a quiet, tender moment... ... just to hear someone, 20-30 ft. away- s.l.o.w.l.y unwrapping a cough drop.
They think they're being stealthy. All they are doing is prolonging the agony of nearby players on the stage... and every other audience member for at least 30 sq. ft.
Even if you have to suck on a hairy, old-ass lozenge that was in your coat pocket from the previous concert, it's better than forcing the rest of us to hear that long, slow, interminable sound of crinkly wrapper loosening around a candy you want to use- to keep your cough from interrupting the experience for those around you.
....or here's an idea: maybe unwrap the candy quickly, in your pocket or purse.
Common sense, people. That's all I'm asking.
Job-specific "pet peeve," Clem.
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I blame that on the throat lozenge industrial complex. They purposefully wrap throat lozenges individually for the sole purpose of annoying everyone around the people who use their product and it's especially done to annoy orchestra members. I'm sure internal memos were sent out in this regard if we could only get our hands on them! 
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
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If I'd known that it would cause such problems, I never would have sent in my suggestion to indiviually wrap them ..... 
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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My pet peeve is people who yawn without covering their mouth first. I see people doing this all the time now. In fact, it has become the norm. WTH?
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They just do it to pizz off germaphobes. Sort of like people who refused to wear a mask during covid. Well, not quite the same thing but....... 
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My pet peeve is people who yawn without covering their mouth first. I see people doing this all the time now. In fact, it has become the norm. WTH? People are too tired to care, obviously. 
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How about those stupid medication commercials that say "Do not take this medication if you are allergic to it". Really? 
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
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Forums DawgTalk Everything Else... Pet Peeve Thread