When was that? When you thought signing watson for 230 million and giving up three first round draft picks was a great thing or now?
i know you're sticking up for a fellow boomer keyboard warrior but again, at the time if it worked would have been ideal.. can't help what transpired and if you think you knew at the time then you're dumber then i really thought you were
Lead, that's just you deflecting. Doing the Watson deal was a mistake that will haunt this team for a few years.
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” Daniel Patrick Moynahan
"Alternative facts hurt us all. Think before you blindly believe." Damanshot
A ruptured Achilles usually takes a full season to recover. I never liked the watson signing from the very beginning and made no secret about it. Still, with that being said I wish no injury on any player whether they wear a Browns uniform or any other NFL uniform.
I will however say that I will be glad he won't be wearing a Browns uniform next season.
We see eye-to-eye, although you used much kinder language than I would have.
A ruptured Achilles usually takes a full season to recover. I never liked the watson signing from the very beginning and made no secret about it. Still, with that being said I wish no injury on any player whether they wear a Browns uniform or any other NFL uniform.
I will however say that I will be glad he won't be wearing a Browns uniform next season.
We see eye-to-eye, although you used much kinder language than I would have.
I tend to tone it down some outside of the Political forum.
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
Salary cap expert Jason Fitzgerald of Over the Cap has put the injury into a much steeper light that could lead to significant financial losses for the quarterback and significant gains for the Browns:
“Regarding Watson, if the Achilles injury occurred under normal rehab directed by the team his contract would still be protected. If the injury was a result of something he was not supposed to be doing his guarantees would be at risk either now or by the summer.”
So, if Watson did not re-injure the Achilles while rehabbing or doing any sort of team-condoned football activity, then Watson could forfeit his guarantees. This would allow the Browns to cut him immediately with no losses or dead money outside of the prorated bonuses they have already restructured over the past two seasons.
The Browns are likely getting an insurance company involved and filing a claim as well, as they took out a policy on Watson’s contract. If Watson misses all of the 2025 season, the Browns will recoup $44.3 million which will be reflected on their 2026 salary cap.
Micah 6:8; He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:19 Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live.
Salary cap expert Jason Fitzgerald of Over the Cap has put the injury into a much steeper light that could lead to significant financial losses for the quarterback and significant gains for the Browns:
“Regarding Watson, if the Achilles injury occurred under normal rehab directed by the team his contract would still be protected. If the injury was a result of something he was not supposed to be doing his guarantees would be at risk either now or by the summer.”
So, if Watson did not re-injure the Achilles while rehabbing or doing any sort of team-condoned football activity, then Watson could forfeit his guarantees. This would allow the Browns to cut him immediately with no losses or dead money outside of the prorated bonuses they have already restructured over the past two seasons.
The Browns are likely getting an insurance company involved and filing a claim as well, as they took out a policy on Watson’s contract. If Watson misses all of the 2025 season, the Browns will recoup $44.3 million which will be reflected on their 2026 salary cap.
Hopefully it was while doing wheelies in a parking lot.
How much will the Browns actually save if Watson misses the entire 2025 season Sources Answer If Deshaun Watson misses the entire 2025 NFL season due to his Achilles injury, the Cleveland Browns will save $44.3 million through their insurance policy on his contract. This amount will be reflected in their salary cap for the 2026 season, providing significant financial relief as they navigate their roster and future quarterback decisions46.
Watson's contract is fully guaranteed, meaning that without this insurance, the Browns would not be able to recoup any funds if he were unable to play. The insurance coverage is designed to mitigate the financial impact of injuries to high-value players like Watson, which has become increasingly common in the NFL15.
What Happens With Deshaun Watson's Contract if He ... - YouTube What Happens With Deshaun Watson's Contract if He ... - YouTube Watch Who provides the insurance and how is it able to affect the salary cap? Sources Answer The Cleveland Browns have taken out an insurance policy on Deshaun Watson's contract, which provides them with significant financial protection in the event of his injury. This insurance is typically provided by specialized insurance companies that cater to professional sports teams, allowing them to mitigate the financial risks associated with high-value contracts.
Impact on Salary Cap: When a player like Watson is injured and unable to play, the insurance policy can pay out a portion of his salary. Under the NFL's Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), these payouts are classified as a "refund from the player." This classification allows the team to receive a salary cap credit for the following season, effectively reducing the cap hit caused by the injured player's contract. In Watson's case, if he misses the entire 2025 season, the Browns will recoup $44.3 million of his $46 million base salary through this insurance policy. Although the payout will not be reflected in their salary cap until after the 2025 season, it will provide substantial relief for their 2026 cap space. This mechanism allows teams to manage their financial commitments more effectively and create additional flexibility in roster management
Tony Grossi' response at the end is hilarious.....always on the outside looking in. You were updated Tony, just through other channels.
Someone needs to teach Grossi the meaning of "self fulling prophecy."
Right. Like, maybe if you weren’t such a massively negative douche nozzle at every opportunity the Browns might be inclined to throw you a bone. Buuuuuut you are. So they’re not.
"Team Chemistry No Match for Team Biology" (Onion Sports Headline)
I think he was 22 at the time. He tore his Achilles covering first. A year later after rehab he was walking down the clubhouse steps and retore the Achilles.
All together over three years out of the game. He has not been the pitcher he was prior to the injury.
I asked other questions, seems this practice had slowly risen, at first, since the allowance started in 2006. 13 of the league's 14 highest paid QBs now have some kind of insurance. Policies have doubled in the last five years.
The Bengals became a first-time insurer on Burrow's extension the year after the Browns did it with Watson. AI estimates that the policy on Watson was probably around the 4M per year mark. A pretty astute choice based on a 230M commitment. A linked article said the media and other anonymous GMs were pretty hard on the Jets for taking the "penny-wise" approach and not having a policy for Rodgers, I don't remember any of that talk and had not even known the scope of this insurance business until about an hour ago.
Salary cap expert Jason Fitzgerald of Over the Cap has put the injury into a much steeper light that could lead to significant financial losses for the quarterback and significant gains for the Browns:
“Regarding Watson, if the Achilles injury occurred under normal rehab directed by the team his contract would still be protected. If the injury was a result of something he was not supposed to be doing his guarantees would be at risk either now or by the summer.”
So, if Watson did not re-injure the Achilles while rehabbing or doing any sort of team-condoned football activity, then Watson could forfeit his guarantees. This would allow the Browns to cut him immediately with no losses or dead money outside of the prorated bonuses they have already restructured over the past two seasons.
The Browns are likely getting an insurance company involved and filing a claim as well, as they took out a policy on Watson’s contract. If Watson misses all of the 2025 season, the Browns will recoup $44.3 million which will be reflected on their 2026 salary cap.
Hopefully it was while doing wheelies in a parking lot.
Anyone know where Tonya Harding was during Watson's 2nd rupture?
Oh, Lord have mercy, Deshaun Watson’s gone and ruptured his Achilles again? DURIN’ REHAB?! Boy, if this don’t smell fishier than Grandpappy’s old bait bucket sittin’ in the summer sun, I dunno what does. I’ve seen some half-baked schemes in my day, but this one right here is a full-on Haslam special. Y’all expect me to believe this ain’t part of some grand master plan to free up $40 million in cap space? You got another thing comin’. This is the same Jimmy Haslam who hoodwinked a whole convoy of truckers outta their hard-earned rebate money. Now he’s out here tryin’ to convince us this “setback” is just bad luck? Puh-lease. Haslam’s probably got spreadsheets full of fake injuries, color-coded and everything.
Let me tell ya somethin’ my grandpappy always said: “If it walks like a swindler and talks like a swindler, it’s probably Jimmy Haslam.” And lemme tell ya, Grandpappy didn’t trust that man as far as he could spit a chaw of Red Man. This here’s got Haslam’s greasy fingerprints all over it. Watson’s been playin’ like he’s got molasses in his cleats, and now suddenly he’s sittin’ out with a busted Achilles while the Browns conveniently get some wiggle room with the cap? Nah, son. This is Appalachian alchemy at work. Haslam’s mixin’ up some dark magic in his corporate cauldron, and we’re all just along for the ride.
But hold on, here’s where it gets real wild. What kinda unholy backwoods bargain did Haslam strike with Watson to pull this off? I bet he promised Watson his own private holler out in the Smokies, complete with a moonshine still and a raccoon butler. Or maybe he’s gonna slap Watson’s face on every Pilot Flying J billboard from here to Tallahassee. Hell, they probably got some secret pact where Watson gets to disappear for a year, and all he’s gotta do is hobble around on crutches like he’s auditionin’ for a role in Friday Night Lights: The Soap Opera. Haslam’s probably sittin’ in his office right now, smokin’ a cigar rolled in $100 bills, laughin’ about how he pulled one over on us again.
And y’know, Grandpappy always said Haslam don’t play fair. “That man could sell a screen door to a submarine captain,” he used to say. So don’t tell me this “Achilles rupture” ain’t part of some grander scheme. Maybe Haslam called up the league and said, “Listen here, I’ll sweeten the pot for y’all if you let this little cap space shuffle slide. How ’bout I throw in a new stadium upgrade package? Y’all like retractable roofs?” The man’s got more side deals than a flea market swap meet.
At the end of the day, we’re the ones gettin’ played like a banjo at a family reunion. While Haslam and Watson are laughin’ all the way to the bank, us fans are sittin’ here wonderin’ why we always end up rootin’ for a team that feels like it’s run by a carny at a crooked county fair. Grandpappy warned me about times like this, and by God, I should’ve listened. But I’ll tell ya one thing: this whole fiasco? It’s just another chapter in the Jimmy Haslam Book of Bamboozles. Mark my words, there’s more to this story than we’ll ever know.
L I B, M R craaaazy?! Buddy, you ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie! I reckon this whole Watson situation came flyin’ outta the blue quicker’n a squirrel in heat. But lemme tell ya somethin’, this ain’t just some freak accident—no siree! This here’s a Haslam-certified scheme, stitched together with duct tape, chicken wire, and pure Appalachian guile. Ol’ Jimmy’s probably sittin’ in his lair right now, watchin’ this cap-space charade unfold like it’s the season finale of Hillbilly Game of Thrones.
Sufferin’ succotash, you say? I’d call it sufferin’ suckers, ‘cause that’s what we are! Every dang year we get roped into thinkin’ this franchise is gonna finally pull its head outta its caboose, but then Jimmy pulls another fast one. That man’s got more tricks up his sleeve than a backwoods magician who works part-time runnin’ moonshine. I bet he’s laughin’ his keister off, shoutin’, “Cap space freed up, y’all! Time to sign some third-stringer who couldn’t throw a pigskin to save his life!”
Two jiggles of a jackrabbit’s azz? Hell, that’s about the time it took for Haslam to cook up this story and roll Watson out on a golden wheelchair. Next thing you know, we’ll be hearin’ about some mysterious rehab sponsor that also happens to own a piece of the team. Probably Haslam’s cousin Cletus, runnin’ a rehab-slash-tire shop outta his barn. But hey, as long as it frees up some cash, right? Who cares if the fans gotta swallow another heapin’ pile of horse puckey?
Let’s call it what it is, FATE—this team’s cursed. Jimmy’s out here tradin’ injuries for salary room like he’s dealin’ cards at the casino, and we’re supposed to act like it’s all part of “the process”? Nah, man. This ain’t football; this is a dang Shakespearean tragedy with a twist of NASCAR drama.
Well, we all know he's crookeder than a dog's hind leg, and just as crazy as popcorn on a hot stove, so I wouldn't put nunna this past 'em. I only wonder how he gets away with it.
Allz I know is that I'm fed up with shruggin' off his shenanigans. Fact is, I'm fuller than a tick on a hot-blooded hound dog. We always get caught holdin' the bag, yet we line up fer more, faster'n butter jumps from a hot skillet. We damn well must have nuthin' under our hats but hair! One sandwich shy of a picnic, I tell ya!
Imma guessin' this has to turn around sooner or later, if the Good Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise. Problem is, we'll likely be toes up on the wrong side of the green grass... and Jimmuh will still be slingin' petro and runnin' game on a whole new set of fickle fans.
Dang nabbit ta hell. Now you've gone and spoilt my supper.
Hiring an OL coach before the OC seems a bit odd to me. Hopefully he works out better than Dickerson.
Why? Head coaches hire their staff as far as I know. I don't think a HC hires his OC then lets the OC hire everybody else on that side of the ball.
Just in the sense that it kind of sets the idea that you already know what you're looking for in the offense which somewhat limits your coordinator options. Sort of an you already know what you want to do, how much input am I as the coordinator going to have? Last guy was one and done, do I want to sign up for that if I don't really have control?
Actually kind of makes me wonder if Rees is the guy already, but they want to carry out the Rooney Rule charade before making it official. I dunno.
Not a big deal, just feel like they usually do the other order. I'm fine if they put a lot of importance on the OL job.
You mess with the "Bull," you get the horns. Fiercely Independent.
Did you guys get together beforehand and concoct those posts? Either way I’m glad cause it’s funnier than the last eight or nine hundred conversations on this board!
Awwe hellz to the nah, brohammer. We ain't done no concoctin' we just see things through the same wrap-around camo Oakleys. I'm just plum-tuckered with the roller coaster as this team's chances to flip the script is about as ugly as a mud fence. Jimbob rides this bull any closer to the clown next year and I'm out faster than greased lightnin'. Tell you dat.
Between this and when you dropped napalm in the PP forum, you were on a roll yesterday.
There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.
Hiring an OL coach before the OC seems a bit odd to me. Hopefully he works out better than Dickerson.
Why? Head coaches hire their staff as far as I know. I don't think a HC hires his OC then lets the OC hire everybody else on that side of the ball.
Just in the sense that it kind of sets the idea that you already know what you're looking for in the offense which somewhat limits your coordinator options. Sort of an you already know what you want to do, how much input am I as the coordinator going to have? Last guy was one and done, do I want to sign up for that if I don't really have control?
Actually kind of makes me wonder if Rees is the guy already, but they want to carry out the Rooney Rule charade before making it official. I dunno.
Not a big deal, just feel like they usually do the other order. I'm fine if they put a lot of importance on the OL job.
I agree on Rees.
Sometimes you have to hire you you have to hire, when you have the chance to hire them. Sometimes things don't line up in the perfect order.
If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.
Hiring an OL coach before the OC seems a bit odd to me. Hopefully he works out better than Dickerson.
Why? Head coaches hire their staff as far as I know. I don't think a HC hires his OC then lets the OC hire everybody else on that side of the ball.
Just in the sense that it kind of sets the idea that you already know what you're looking for in the offense which somewhat limits your coordinator options. Sort of an you already know what you want to do, how much input am I as the coordinator going to have? Last guy was one and done, do I want to sign up for that if I don't really have control?
Actually kind of makes me wonder if Rees is the guy already, but they want to carry out the Rooney Rule charade before making it official. I dunno.
Not a big deal, just feel like they usually do the other order. I'm fine if they put a lot of importance on the OL job.
I agree on Rees.
Sometimes you have to hire you you have to hire, when you have the chance to hire them. Sometimes things don't line up in the perfect order.
edit: I didn't understand the convo correctly.
Last edited by oobernoober; 01/11/2510:36 AM. Reason: I misread
There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.
Oh, Lord have mercy, Deshaun Watson’s gone and ruptured his Achilles again? DURIN’ REHAB?! Boy, if this don’t smell fishier than Grandpappy’s old bait bucket sittin’ in the summer sun, I dunno what does. I’ve seen some half-baked schemes in my day, but this one right here is a full-on Haslam special. Y’all expect me to believe this ain’t part of some grand master plan to free up $40 million in cap space? You got another thing comin’. This is the same Jimmy Haslam who hoodwinked a whole convoy of truckers outta their hard-earned rebate money. Now he’s out here tryin’ to convince us this “setback” is just bad luck? Puh-lease. Haslam’s probably got spreadsheets full of fake injuries, color-coded and everything.
Let me tell ya somethin’ my grandpappy always said: “If it walks like a swindler and talks like a swindler, it’s probably Jimmy Haslam.” And lemme tell ya, Grandpappy didn’t trust that man as far as he could spit a chaw of Red Man. This here’s got Haslam’s greasy fingerprints all over it. Watson’s been playin’ like he’s got molasses in his cleats, and now suddenly he’s sittin’ out with a busted Achilles while the Browns conveniently get some wiggle room with the cap? Nah, son. This is Appalachian alchemy at work. Haslam’s mixin’ up some dark magic in his corporate cauldron, and we’re all just along for the ride.
But hold on, here’s where it gets real wild. What kinda unholy backwoods bargain did Haslam strike with Watson to pull this off? I bet he promised Watson his own private holler out in the Smokies, complete with a moonshine still and a raccoon butler. Or maybe he’s gonna slap Watson’s face on every Pilot Flying J billboard from here to Tallahassee. Hell, they probably got some secret pact where Watson gets to disappear for a year, and all he’s gotta do is hobble around on crutches like he’s auditionin’ for a role in Friday Night Lights: The Soap Opera. Haslam’s probably sittin’ in his office right now, smokin’ a cigar rolled in $100 bills, laughin’ about how he pulled one over on us again.
And y’know, Grandpappy always said Haslam don’t play fair. “That man could sell a screen door to a submarine captain,” he used to say. So don’t tell me this “Achilles rupture” ain’t part of some grander scheme. Maybe Haslam called up the league and said, “Listen here, I’ll sweeten the pot for y’all if you let this little cap space shuffle slide. How ’bout I throw in a new stadium upgrade package? Y’all like retractable roofs?” The man’s got more side deals than a flea market swap meet.
At the end of the day, we’re the ones gettin’ played like a banjo at a family reunion. While Haslam and Watson are laughin’ all the way to the bank, us fans are sittin’ here wonderin’ why we always end up rootin’ for a team that feels like it’s run by a carny at a crooked county fair. Grandpappy warned me about times like this, and by God, I should’ve listened. But I’ll tell ya one thing: this whole fiasco? It’s just another chapter in the Jimmy Haslam Book of Bamboozles. Mark my words, there’s more to this story than we’ll ever know.
It doesn't matter if I agree or disagree with your position....please post here more often. I appreciate your style and humor with the posts.
At DT, context and meaning are a scarecrow kicking at moving goalposts.
I’ll never forget Gregg Williams’ introductory press conference a few years back. Grossi asked some douchey question and Williams just goes something like:
“Ahh, so you must be Tony…”
Last edited by dawglover05; 01/13/2502:40 AM.
Blue ostriches on crack float on milkshakes between the sidewalk titans of gurglefitz. --YTown
Garrapolo is someone I wouldn't mind giving the Justin Fields treatment to (brought in as a backup and/or open QB competition).
There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.