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There are currently over 20 million AR rifles in our country. Most of which have been produced domestically over the past two decades. I mean banning assault weapons being sold sounds like a great idea in theory. But I'm not sure it will work the way some people think it will.

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Dawg Talker
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Laws passed don't mean anything unless the population agrees to it. Speed Limits- lots of Americans IGNORE the speed limits and because the cars are so much better we don't kill as many folks today, but plenty are still killed due to SPEED. Guns, we could buy back the assault weapons, but would "the people" give them back--some would, lots would not. I'm a former Republican, but I fully agree with what Democrats say- own a rifle, handgun, shotgun- I do- but why assault weapons killing folks- it ain't necessary. But, like speeding, the gun owners- who have 5, 10, 20, 100 guns will not give them up. Even if they become "criminals" because they own one.

"You've never lived till you've almost died, life has a flavor the protected will never know" A vet or cop
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You will never get congress to make any non fully automatic firearms "illegal". Even fully automatic weapons can be purchased by a special permit. And even if you could it would take the Supreme court to overrule the 2nd amendment right to bear arms in order to make that law.

There's zero percent possibility either congress or the SCOTUS would make it law that any firearms people currently own should be forced to be sold back or given back to the federal government by their owners.

I'm all for trying to address gun deaths in America. I'm all for a national background check and closing the gun show loop hole. I'm all for requiring a gun safety course for people to legally carry a concealed weapon. But I think if we ever plan to have a constructive discussion on the issue we need to narrow the conversation down to things that pose a realistic possibility. So while I won't debate the merits of what you and some others pose, I know it would end any constructive or fruitful conversation moving forward. Even the very modest things I proposed are met with huge resistance.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
There are currently over 20 million AR rifles in our country. Most of which have been produced domestically over the past two decades. I mean banning assault weapons being sold sounds like a great idea in theory. But I'm not sure it will work the way some people think it will.

We know how it worked.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
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Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Stopping the general public from getting their hands on an AR, the weapon of choice, would be the first best step. JMHO.

An AR is just a rifle. If libtards want to give up their guns, I won't complain. The rest of us can keep ours.

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