There are a certain number of people, a small percentage but it doesn't take much for a business model to prosper.
Who I think, well everybody who has the freedom and ability to spend has a mindset or philosophy on money and when and how to spend it.
Even many years ago when I was very young I noticed some people, around who couldn't ever go without spending all of everything right away.
Even 3 cents, well have to get rid of it, have to get 3 penny bubble gum machines because otherwise the money, if it's not used yet, is worthless.
So, I don't know, everybody has different brains, and some percent of people, well, shoot, just about everybody has at least some difficulty controlling impulses and some people, probably, it manifests in, if they have whatever they spend 100% of it, right away, every time, and it could even be genetics.
and it's not a bad thing, (think about it)
If everybody saved money, we'd never have any risk takers, there would never be an evel kinevil, or a ricky martin.
But What I'm saying is, these kind of quick loan, loan shark type companies are taking advantage of these people. And to a certain extent these people need help.
Personally I change my mind on spending many times, strange I'll save most of the time,
then one day, like, don't put me in an Amusement park because that single day it's all out the window, it's like spend spend spend spend spend. or Vegas'
Once in 20 years go to Vegas and lose a (whew), in .. 3? 3and a half? 3 and a half minutes? Oh my gosh, are you kidding me, I still can't believe it.

Then don't go back to Vegas for 20 years.