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#1641836 07/23/19 11:10 AM
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We can’t ignore the case of Jessica Yaniv
Is it really an assault on human rights if a woman says, ‘I don’t want to wax your genital area’?
Brendan O'Neill
July 22, 2019

In Canada right now, a group of female workers, at least one of whom is a migrant, are coming under attack. One has already lost her job. The others fear losing their jobs too. And yet the leftish types who’d normally yell and tweet their backing for such marginalized workers haven’t raised a peep of concern. The Guardian is schtum. The Twitterati hasn’t stirred. The BBC looks the other way.

Why? Because the person confronting these women and putting their livelihoods into jeopardy is transgender. And as we know, criticizing trans people is tantamount to blasphemy in the woke era.

This is the case of Jessica Yaniv, born Jonathan Yaniv, who has filed 16 complaints with the human rights tribunal in British Columbia against female beauticians who refused to provide her/ him with an intimate wax. These are waxers who only tend to women. Whose expertise is in the waxing of women’s intimate areas. And whose preference is to wax women, not men. So when a person who has a penis and testicles, as Yaniv does, comes along and says ‘wax me’, they understandably said no.

Well, it would have been understandable in any other time in human history. But in our increasingly weird era of genderfluidity and trans agitation, where you can become a woman simply by declaring yourself a woman, these female workers’ refusal to wax Yaniv isn’t understandable at all, apparently. It’s transphobic. It’s hateful. It’s an assault on human rights, no less. That, at least, is what Yaniv is arguing.

Let’s put this into perspective: women are having action taken against them because they refused to touch a penis and testicles. So warped has the language of rights become, in particular transgender rights, that a born male can take action against women because they refused to wax him.

It is perverse. In a normal world, it would be the fundamental right of all women not to have to go anywhere near a penis, unless of course they wanted to. But in our woke world of casual sex-switching and identitarian entitlement, we have the deranged situation where a born male can claim to be the humiliated victim because a group of women wouldn’t let him come into their home, take off his clothes, and air his genitals for a waxing.

Yes, some of the women who have been targeted by Yaniv work from home. One, Marcia De Silva, has had to close down her home-based personal business as a result of the stress of the Yaniv case. A legal representative of the women said some have been made ‘depressed, anxious [and] sleepless’ by the human-rights action.These are women who were simply trying to make a living from providing services to other women, and yet now they find themselves whispered about as phobic and hateful.

This strange case raises so many questions. Is there a human right to have your balls waxed? Is it really an assault on human rights if a woman says, ‘I don’t want to wax your genital area’? Surely the discrimination is against the women themselves, who are being dragged into a public human-rights procedure simply for asserting their basic right not to have strange men — biological men! — in their homes

But perhaps the most pressing question raised by this case — a question so few woke warriors and identitarian leftists want to address — is this: just because someone says they are a woman, does that make them a woman?

This lies at the heart of this case. Even some pro-trans people will no doubt argue that Yaniv’s case is frivolous and that most transgender people don’t go around demanding waxes from people who don’t want to wax them.

That is true. But while Yaniv’s human-rights action might be eccentric, it also entirely follows the logic, the central logic, of the transgender ideology. Which is that you can be any sex you want. You can self-ID however you like. Feel like a woman? Then you’re a woman. And anyone who says you aren’t is a bigoted, disgusting spouter of hate.

This is at the core of the trans ideology. And it explains why so few media outlets are commenting on the British Columbia case — because they instinctively know it represents the warped but logical endpoint of that ideology.

Jessica Yaniv is a woman, right? And anyone who says Jessica Yaniv is not a woman is bigot, yes? It therefore follows that female beauticians must wax Jessica Yaniv in the same way they would wax other women, even though Yaniv has a penis rather than a vagina.

We can’t ignore this case. It raises fundamental issues about women’s rights, about how transgenderism threatens women’s rights, about the reality of sex, and about reason itself.

It boils down to this: is Jessica Yaniv a woman? Really? I say no, he isn’t. He’s a man. And therefore he has no right to access services or spaces that are reserved for women.

This article was originally published on The Spectator‘s UK website.


The next logical step... congratulations. #winning

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Jesus what a mess.

This is when common sense needs to take hold.

It's one thing not to want to bake a cake.

It's another thing not to want to wax someone's junk (whoever they may be).

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The circumstances are different but the ideology is a continuation of the same..

it's just that in this case they have removed the left's easy-out that it's just some right-wing Christian zealot, bigot, homophobe who is to blame from their defensive talking points.

Which leaves them with almost no defensive talking points... which is why this case won't ever spiral up into the mainstream news cycle.

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Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
The circumstances are different but the ideology is as continuation of the same..

it's just that in this case they have removed the left's easy-out that it's just some right-wing Christian zealot, bigot, homophobe who is to blame from their defensive talking points.

Which leaves them with almost no defensive talking points... which is why this case won't ever spiral up into the mainstream news cycle.

I think it's more that this Trans person is mentally ill. (After doing my own bit of research just a couple minutes ago).

I'm quite convinced, this sick person just want this chick to look at and touch his junk. They're not doing any good for LGBTQ causes at all.

A bikini waxer isn't a doctor. And they shouldn't be stuck touching some dude wearing a wig's junk.

Common sense. And i think the media is using common sense, and that's why it's not blowing up. That and it's in Canaidia.

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Yaniv seems to be someone with an axe to grind.. Like as if he or she is trying to start trouble...


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Well, first off....I'm pretty sure that there are places, salons, that offer this kind of service for men and women.....why can't this person just go there.….find a place willing to perform the service he/she is looking for....

Secondly, no matter how anyone tries to define themselves gender-wise, there is still an absolute anatomical difference between genders once you drop your trousers.....this separates men from women....and no medical procedure, or hormone regiment will completely undue what was naturally produced through human reproduction....

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Im going to try and be as fair as possible with this piece you posted.

i read it, and before commenting, i went to the gym and had a good workout, took a shower, blah blah blah. then i read the article again to make sure i got the full context and gravity of the situation.

first, this is an opinion piece. and we all know how i feel about opinion pieces, whether you agree with me or not.

second, the author just showed everybody in one sentence why the entire piece was nothing more than slander:

This lies at the heart of this case. Even some pro-trans people will no doubt argue that Yaniv’s case is frivolous and that most transgender people don’t go around demanding waxes from people who don’t want to wax them.

yea, i'd bet a paycheck that says the vast majority of pro-LBGT people out there will call this frivolous, and thats being polite. and most trans people aren't putting themselves in situations like this whatsoever.

also, this isn't even in our country. which is funny because multiple people have came after me throughout my time on this board talking about "why are you posting about things that dont involve our country?" yet here you are....doing exactly that. i wonder if those same people will call you out like they did me? lol, we all know the answer to that, and its no.

but thats fine because i personally like talking about issues abroad.

you can clearly tell the author has an issue with pro-trans and "woke" people, as this article was clearly written as a potential trap article.

he doesnt even list all the evidence of this being "hateful" and "transphobic". typically articles today would have the twitterverse posted so we can see all the no-names whining about whatever the issues are today.

but we get none of that. just a bunch of anecdotal with no real meat behind it.

the author doesn't mention if Jessica is a pre-op trans. we dont know if this is one of those clowns who is trying to dress up like a woman to start crap to "own the libs".

there's a ton of information missing, with a whole lot of useless opinion in it, and in no way will drive the big picture conversation forward. it wont even make it go backwards, because very few people are even aware of it, especially in the US. and even less will take Jessica's side, pro-lbgt or not.

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Glad you had a good workout...

also, this isn't even in our country. which is funny because multiple people have came after me throughout my time on this board talking about "why are you posting about things that dont involve our country?" yet here you are....doing exactly that. i wonder if those same people will call you out like they did me? lol, we all know the answer to that, and its no.

Can't speak for everybody but the only time I've made a comment anywhere close to what you are mentioning is when somebody posts an international article and people start talking about constitutional rights... which don't apply to international incidences.. The LGBTQ movement isn't an American thing, it's a global thing and regardless of where things start, if they are effective (and sometimes even if they aren't) the methods will travel... Lasly, I just found it interesting.

you can clearly tell the author has an issue with pro-trans and "woke" people, as this article was clearly written as a potential trap article.

Yes, the author clearly has a position...

there's a ton of information missing, with a whole lot of useless opinion in it, and in no way will drive the big picture conversation forward.

If you google the name, there are a lot of other articles out there, mostly from second tier websites.. I just posted it for interest Swish, I wasn't writing a thesis on it. If you look into it, Yaniv is quite the bigot him/herself... seems to have a serious dislike for immigrants, especially those of color... but is generally considered authentic in being transgender..

For me, learning more about this is fascinating.. but I can understand why, given the moving pieces, a lot of folks are keeping their distance as reporters or as activists speaking out... a lot of moving pieces..

We have a transgender alleging discrimination...
The discriminators are largely women of color and immigrants...
The transgender has almost a "Trump" view of immigrants of color saying if they won't provide the services they should be kicked out...

It's all very weird, I just find it fascinating and will be curious to see how it ends...

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i just gave my two cents out of respect. that is all. wasnt attacking you, just commenting about the author.

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Said this a long time ago and the REEEEEEing has only gotten worse. If you want me to call you a woman, I would do so out of respect for you as a person if you politely requested it. I will side step conversations that lead me into these debates knowing full well the reason is that you will not like my answer, once again out of respect for you as a trans person. I will gladly accept that you have, were born with or developed dysphoria for a wide variety of biological reasons.

You will not however dictate to me what your biological sex is. If I see twig and berries, don't tell me it's something else. That is when we will have problems.

As far as this case, I remain the same. As a business you can discriminate for any reason you want. Just don't cry to me when there are repercussions for said discrimination.

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Never felt attacked... sorry if my response made it sound that way.

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I've always been a supporter of a business serving everyone who falls under anything they publicly offer as a service to which they advertise.

If this business states it only provides this service for women, I agree with the business.

I feel anyone has the right to identify as any gender they wish. After all it's their life to live as they see fit.

However, if a business states they only provide a service to females, it's expressly indicated by that, they they only service "female equipment". If you're carrying around "male equipment", their policy makes it quite clear you will not be served. Everyone can choose to do business there based on their policy.

I'll go back to another heavily discussed debate. If a baker makes it a stated and advertised policy that they, "will not decorate gay wedding cakes", then I have a choice to do business with them based on their policy. But if you don't state that as a part of public policy, you'll see the type of problem we've seen with that example.

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