This is how we get into the mess of subpar candidates, career politicians who only serve the American elite, and awful crap like that.
These videos which focus on the idiocy of a giant walking joke just make us go "oh yeah, he's awful...I feel good by complaining about it" or we'll soon see the other side saying "liberal safe space crybabies angry about Hilldawg not getting elected so get over it", or something similar.
Want a difference? Go do something that gets you out of the echo chamber, seek to find individuals on the other side opening to listen, and give time/money to agencies that look to inspire positive changes for all Americans.
Sorry, Candy. This ain't directed at you. Just tired of the constant "OMG TRUMP IS DUMB" stuff.
We won't break this cycle of ridiculousness if we keep playing into the "OMG TRUMP EVIL...LETS COMPLAIN AND DO BOTHING BUT COMPLAIN" camp. Complain and no action is what the Plutocrats want, and sadly they're getting it.
The Russia thing is important, but they didn't lose the election for Hillary. Hillary lost due to awful decisions, and Sanders' failure to reach all Americans.
We won't break this cycle of ridiculousness if we keep playing into the "OMG TRUMP EVIL...LETS COMPLAIN AND DO NOTHING BUT COMPLAIN"
That's the same cycle the republicans where stuck in for 8 years right?
So let me get this straight, what you want is.... for us to stop complaining about Trumps ridiculous comments, his ignorance, his Russian boy friends, and his downright stupidity, but you're ok when we complained for 8 years about our black president who gave us more jobs, lower gas prices, and healthcare reform?
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
The goal of the other side is to get you to complain, find yourself in an insular echo chamber, and just moan and complain.
Spreading these constant articles continues the noise, and encourages people to sit at home to not enact change.
A democrat stays and home and complains, but a progressive goes out and tries to undo this with actual action outside of the insular Internet echo chamber.
A democrat stays and home and complains, but a progressive goes out and tries to undo this with actual action outside of the insular Internet echo chamber.
I sure do appreciate the change the Progressives helped us to make during this election cycle. Keep up the good work!
Staging a giant awareness campaign against the plutocrats who control our system would be a good start.
You need to understand our system isn't as simplistic as republicans=bad, and democrats=good.
Both sides see differently on social policy, but the monetary policy of both sides benefits the American elite. America's failure to recognize the economic policy leads to our widening gap in economics.
But hey, have at it with giving Trump more unnecessary exposure.
A democrat stays and home and complains, but a progressive goes out and tries to undo this with actual action outside of the insular Internet echo chamber.
??? Man...what?
Do you realize you're talking about yourself? You, a self identified progressive, literally stayed home and complained while democrats went out and voted.
Please don't whine about democrats doing anything when you did absolutely nothing.
Bro, you did nothing. At least us democrats showed up.
This is what progressives did, in this order:
You guys complained.
Went "Bernie or bust".
Didn't show up to vote
Then took to the streets like a bunch of entitled spoiled brats that trump won
My international marketing research class turns into a group therapy sessions because you self identified progressives were literally crying about the election loss.
And now you're....just complaining.
Here's what democrats did:
Showed up to vote.
Disappointed with the election results.
Went about our business.
Sorry but I have to call you out on that post. That was the biggest load of bull so far on this board in 2017.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
If you're a politician and don't use twitter like Donald does, you're a moron. Being able to speak to the public without going through the media is an invaluable asset.