I don't usually do this because there's just so much good TV right now. We're kind of blessed in that way. Tons of options, all high quality. My wife and I don't event watch movies anymore, lol.
Has anyone watched this show? My wife and I just finished the season last night (8 Episodes) and I must say it was great. I haven't had that much fun with a TV Show in a long time.
It's a bit of an ode to the 80's, a bit of Stephen King's: It, a bit of Stand By Me and ET as well. But it was completely original and extremely well done.
If anything deserves an Emmy, this one deserves Best Show or whatever, simply because of how well done it was and how refreshing it was. It's genre would be considered Sci-Fi/Horror, but there are scenes that just melt your heart and make you laugh as well, even ones that get you all choked up.
Winnona Ryder is in it, and she does a great job as one of the main characters.
Don't want to give too much away, but the first episode is 45 minutes long, and I dunno, I loved it. And I didn't grow up in the 80's or anything. Just a complete show, with everything in it. And that's always great.
Here's an artsy picture of it.