quote above by Petey:
"Although maybe verses the Bengals the 23rd. I'm going up to UConn that Saturday"
For the Knight?
Get it?
Hey, if your shed-ju-ul (British pronunciation) permits, I hope to see you then.
If the Browns are anywhere near .500 on the 23rd, I would recommend getting to Giovanni's early (before 12:30 pm).
SNEBB generally has ~ 100 members. (Giovanni's comfortably seats 50)
If the Browns are winning, Browns fans come out of the woodwork and Giovanni's will be packed! Fans who show up at 12:55 pm for games during winning seasons have to squeeze in.
Even during horrendous seasons (like the last dozen) Giovannis gets crowded.
This picture is late season (December) when the Browns were like 2-12.
These are the hard-core fans. Everyone is behaving for our group picture.
The place erupts when the Browns score a touchdown. (good news - SNEBB always has half-time raffles, winning a Browns helmet increases the survival rate of a late game Browns winning pick-6 by 23%)
As most posters on this board know, I'm rather fond of this picture.(these are the hard-core SNEBB fans - 2-12, so what?)