I thought we were going to talk about Washington's
real Commanders.
I'll go with "Mad Ant". He's still legendary in the Fort Wayne area. Hell, they named the city after him!
General Anthony WayneWashington valued Wayne “as an administrator and as a field commander.”
Known as “Mad Anthony” for his fiery battlefield temperament, Wayne began the Revolutionary War as a colonel and was promoted to Brigadier General in 1777. He fought at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, but won his greatest victory at Stony Point along the Hudson River in 1779, where he captured a vital British fort during a nighttime raid.
I mean, just read this aloud (I would go with the Peter Coyote voice):
A year later, as the Northern Theater settled into a stalemate, Wayne had his revenge for Paoli when his meticulously-planned night assault on a 600-man British garrison at Stony Point in New York inflicted over 100 British casualties and netted over 400 prisoners. Wayne was briefly stunned by a musket ball to the head during the battle, but he was able to provide the Americans with a much-needed tactical victory.