And I can see how people are falling for Trump’s rubbish. They just can’t figure out the guy lies all the damn time. Even when his lies eat them, they defend him. He told a good story for anyone who isn’t following closely. Hell, 20 years ago I would have been with MAGA on this and would have been lapping it up. But getting your life wrecked by republican policies SHOULD be a wake up call. It was for me.
When you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and see your goals of finally being financially secure within reach, just to have the rug pulled because Wall Street shanked the world, sucks on a level you could not fathom until it’s you it happens to. I think a lot of people are about to experience this. And a radical but simple shift in priorities is all that will save them. They will NEVER be rich in this scenario, so why do so many protect the elite at every turn? It’s mind boggling when you think about the hold the elite have created by dangling that carrot.
So far, people were able to build a little something, and many want to hold onto that at the expense of others taking the hits. Well, now they will be hitting us all, hard. So we can work together or continue to divide. There really is no other alternative. And when immigrants are gone, they’ll turn toward dems, or blacks, or lgbtq, or jewish and start the get em out process all over again. I been noticing how dems getting tossed from town-halls and the speech last night seems to be the new cool thing for the party of free speech. They’ve been programmed to look at us as less than them. It’s another reason I go hard at the ignorance.