Originally Posted by dawglover05
Originally Posted by Bull_Dawg
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
They aren't going to gain any votes from trumpets no matter what they say. Those voters are locked in no matter what trump says or does. It doesn't have to be narrowed down to litigation. Just last week he said Milley should be executed. The crazy that comes out of his mouth gives them plenty to discuss. The facts surrounding Jan. 6th in and of themselves give them plenty to talk about.

With trump being the front runner, if you plan to win the republican nomination, you will have to make clear and distinct differences between yourself and trump. You will never be able to do that if you leave him out of the discussion.

If Trump is in prison, he won't be the nominee. I have a feeling even if he's not, he may be "coerced" to withdraw from the race. It'll be interesting to see how that void potentially gets filled.

The crazy that comes out of his mouth has hopefully exceeded what even that party can stomach.

I don't get it though. The dude's lead in the polls seems to be widening by him not participating. Are the other candidates THAT bad that just them saying not much at all on stage is leading to Trump widening his margin?

IMO, a lot of this has little to do with debates and more to do with a growing support from non-whites. We're not talking large... we're talking historically, obscenely large.

Although the article tries to poo-poo the whole thing as "small sample size" and by saying "well, all the GOP is polling higher than usual" (but then ignoring the elephant in the room -- none of them feel the need to support Biden).

Trump hits new poll highs with Black, Hispanic voters. What to make of it?