I'm not sure you understand how to ask a question.
Here, I'll help:
Not a question: "I'm not sure how that makes that a sign of Russia Crumbling.. But I hope you are right."
Question: "I'm not sure how that makes that a sign of Russia Crumbling.. Do you really think so?"
Seeing Fate give english lessons seems eerily similar to watching libs talk down to MAGA. But I’m sure if Daman was taking shots at his side, he wouldn’t bother with semantics in his insightful responses.
And Daman, don’t let that petty BS get you down, 95% of the troglodyte right communicates in grunts and other human mimicking almost words noises. You’re actually in the top percentage of internet users who can communicate a complete thought without semantics being your strong suit. And anybody calling you out for semantics is just showing how weak their position actually is.
Keep up the good fight.