Their claims accentuate and overstate what's going on here.
What he does is use the exact same tropes Hitler used in the very beginning. Will that lead to him being the next Hitler if he is elected? I would highly doubt that.
the problem is his followers have no idea he is using the same game plan and terms Hitler used to divide the people of Germany. Creating further hatred and divisions within their own nation. Claiming his opponents are evil. Claiming they are somehow the enemy. Claiming networks such as CBS and ABC should have their licenses be removed and taken off the air.
Sadly most of his supporters can't see that. It does certainly mean they are supporting a man who uses the same rhetoric and road map Hitler used in the beginning.
And the problem with your theory is trump has said things to both support and trivialize the far right wing Supremacy groups and Nazi's withing this country. That's what has come out of one side of his mouth. While you ignore all of that and only post about what comes out of the other side of his mouth. Not so much........
Prosecutor: Proud Boys viewed themselves as ‘Trump’s army’ of course inviting them into your house for dinner doesn't mean anything either in your world.......................
Trump dines with white supremacist, renewing questions about GOP’s leadership and values Trump’s racist talk of immigrant ‘bad genes’ echoes some of the last century’s darkest ideas about eugenics you only hear the things you want to hear and claim that's all there is to the story. It's not.