--The call at the end was disappointing, but it was the right call. Bradberry himself admitted that he held JuJu. The ball was thrown to a spot and he was unable to get there due to the hold. I wish it would not have been called because it removed a lot of the drama from the game, but it was the correct call.
It was the correct call. Like you said, if Bradberry is admitting, who is anyone else to argue the call?
There is a lot of talk about this call deciding the game. I get it, a great game comes down to a penalty. But the refs still need to call the game. When we get inside the 2 minute warning of the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl, would we prefer it to be a free-for-all? That hold affected the play, so it was absolutely the right call.
Everybody knows if you get caught grabbing a hand full of jersey you going to be called for it. All the bluster to the contrary is nothing but hot air.
Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.
I moved back to Ohio from Hollywood, California when I was 30. I'm 57 now. Since then I was the official dog walker for my parents. I lived right down the street from them. They have had purebred German Shepherds for the last 40 years or so. (Just one dog at a time though.)
My parents passed away about 3 & 4 years ago. The last dog they had, Gunner # 2, is still alive but not doing too well. He's 13 and has trouble walking. He doesn't have long to go. My younger sister, who lives in Chesterland, has taken care of him ever since we sold my parent's house. He loves it out there.
The Farmer's Dog dog food commercial came on during the Super Bowl and I balled my eyes out. I miss having a dog to walk every day, take to the beach, PetSmart, etc., etc., etc. Miss that love. My apartment is the size of a shoebox and just too small to have a dog. Plus I work a lot, so that is that.
Everybody knows if you get caught grabbing a hand full of jersey you going to be called for it. All the bluster to the contrary is nothing but hot air.
Yep, I'm sick of all the whining about that penalty. It doesn't matter if they let it slide earlier (even though this is claimed, I haven't seen evidence of it). You grab a jersey to slow a receiver, you're taking a chance that you'll get called for it. He admitted it and accepted the consequences. Too bad the whiners won't. The refs didn't decide the game.
And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul. - John Muir
People on this very board who disliked Dorsey proclaimed it wasn't Dorsey's call at all.
I don't know about the Mahomes call.. but I'll forever hate Dorsey for giving us Baker when we could have had Josh Allen...
Yep. I was ridiculed for being on that bandwagon, the skillset and tools spoke for themselves from the beginning. We traded a sky-high ceiling because we thought we had a firmer floor.