
Just Wow!

Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors
Special counsel's team includes former Clinton Foundation lawyer, contributors to Obama, Hillary

by Brendan Kirby |

12 Jun 2017

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sparked a mini-meltdown in the media Monday with a tweet challenging the fairness of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Gingrich, who also appeared on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” pointed to the early hires special counsel Robert Mueller has made.
“Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair,” he tweeted. “Look who he is hiring.check fec [sic] reports. Time to rethink.”

Trump Lawyer ‘Not Going to Speculate’ Whether President Might Fire Special Counsel

He's not wrong about the donations. Four top lawyers hired by Mueller have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

One of the hires, Jeannie Rhee, also worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation and helped persuade a federal judge to block a conservative activist's attempts to force Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer questions under oath about operations of the family-run charity.

Campaign-finance reports show that Rhee gave Clinton the maximum contributions of $2,700 in 2015 and again last year to support her presidential campaign. She also donated $2,300 to Obama in 2008 and $2,500 in 2011. While still at the Justice Department, she gave $250 to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp.
Rhee also has contributed to a trio of Democratic senators: Mark Udall of New Mexico, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

James Quarles, who worked on the Watergate investigation as a young prosecutor, has an even longer history of supporting Democratic politicians. He gave $1,300 to Obama in 2007 and $2,300 in 2008. He also gave $2,700 to Clinton last year.

He has supported a number of other Democratic candidates, including Van Hollen, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), former Rep. John Spratt (D-S.C.), former Vice President Al Gore, 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry, former Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), and Colorado congressional candidate Gail Schwartz.

In addition, Quarles gave money to former Sen. John Walsh (D-Mont.) and three current Democratic senators — Ron Wyden of Oregon, Ed Markey of Massachusetts, and Robert Menendez of New Jersey. He chipped in $300 to the DNC Services Corp. $300 in 2012.
Quarles did donate to a couple of GOP politicians — $250 to then-Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) in 2006 and $2,500 to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) in 2015.

Andrew Weissmann, a former Justice Department lawyer who now is at Jenner & Block, contributed $2,300 to Obama in 2008 and $2,000 to the DNC Services Corp. in 2006. Weissmann served as chief of the Justice Department's criminal fraud section and worked on the Enron fraud case.
A fourth lawyer on Mueller's staff, Michael Dreeben, donated $1,000 to Clinton 2006 and $250 to Obama in both 2007 and 2008. He was deputy solicitor general and has appeared many times before the Supreme Court.

Gingrich: Mueller Investigation Will Be a Trump ‘Witch Hunt’
Former speaker says 'impossible' for special counsel to be fair, rips 'bad person' Comey

Media pundits generally dismissed concerns over the Democratic Party ties of the staff Mueller is building.

Several Trump critics noted that Gingrich previously had tweeted that Mueller was a "superb choice to be special counsel" and that his reputation was "impeccable for honesty and integrity."

Journalist Paul Vale, who has written for the Huffington Post and The Times of London, tweeted, "Boiled cabbage Gingrich lays out the White House plan to discredit career lawman Mueller — all in the service of his babbling paymaster."

CNN anchor John King on Monday asked the network's chief congressional correspondent, Manu Raju, if it should be a concern.
"No, because Bob Mueller is the one who's in charge of this investigation and will ultimately decide how to proceed, and there is some oversight over him by [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein, even though there is a special counsel," he said.

Yes, I have read about this.

Time for Trump to break out his famous line...

The lynch mobs not even trying to hide it anymore ...

I hope he cans his ass ... what a farce ...
May as well throw some fresh meat out there to the vultures around these here parts ... *LOL*


Trump is considering firing special counsel Mueller, friend says

Christopher Ruddy, the founder of Newsmax Media and close friend of President Trump, told PBS News Hour Monday that he believes the president is “considering perhaps terminating” special counsel Robert Mueller, the man charged with investigating Russian interference in the U.S. election and possible collusion with Trump’s campaign.

Christopher Ruddy, the founder of Newsmax Media and close friend of President Trump, told PBS News Hour Monday that he believes the president is “considering perhaps terminating” special counsel Robert Mueller, the man charged with investigating Russian interference in the U.S. election and possible collusion with Trump’s campaign.

The comments come amid increasing frustration at the White House and among Trump supporters that the investigation will overshadow the president's agenda for months to come — a prospect that has Democrats are hoping for.

When reached by Fox News after the remarks, Ruddy said, “while I am not claiming the president said it to me, I am confident of my sourcing. He is definitely considering it as an option.”

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, said Ruddy “never spoke to the president regarding this issue. With respect to this subject, only the president of his attorneys are authorized to comment.”

The New York Times reported that to fire Mueller, Trump would have to order Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein to turn back regulations that protect the special counsel from being fired for no good reason. If Rosenstein refused, Trump could fire Rosenstein.

As Mueller builds his legal team, Trump's allies have begun raising questions about the former FBI director's impartiality, suggesting he cannot be trusted to lead the probe.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an informal Trump adviser, tweeted Monday, "Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair. Look who he is hiring."

Just weeks ago, Gingrich had heaped praise on Mueller, hailing him as a "superb choice" for special counsel whose reputation was "impeccable for honesty and integrity."

But after the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey last week, Gingrich said he'd changed his mind.

"Time to rethink," he tweeted Monday, citing Mueller's hiring decisions and Comey's admission that he'd instructed a friend to share with reporters notes he'd taken of his private conversations with Trump in order to force the appointment of special counsel.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter offered a similar message, tweeting, "Now that we know TRUMP IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION, Sessions should take it back & fire Mueller."

The talk about dismissing Mueller appeared to be coming from Trump allies — including some close to White House strategist Steve Bannon — who are increasingly frustrated with the prospect of a long and winding probe.

They say Trump did not collude with Russia and see the investigation as a politically motivated sham that handicaps Trump's ability to execute his agenda, according to one person who advises the White House on how to handle the probe. The person demanded anonymity to discuss strategy on the sensitive matter.

Ruddy appeared to be basing his remarks, at least in part, on comments from Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team, who told ABC in an interview Sunday that he was "not going to speculate" on whether Trump might at some point order Rosenstein to fire Mueller.

"Look, the president of the United States, as we all know, is a unitary executive. But the president is going to seek the advice of his counsel and inside the government as well as outside. And I'm not going to speculate on what he will or will not do," Sekulow said. Still, he added, "I can't imagine that that issue is going to arise."

Fox News' Serafin Gomez, Ed Henry and The Associated Press contributed to this report
Better yet, Congress should look into this fiasco and end it.
Media pundits generally dismissed concerns over the Democratic Party ties of the staff Mueller is building.

Of course they did.
The man behind both the Republican AND Democratic parties.

Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Better yet, Congress should look into this fiasco and end it.

They are. The more they look the more crap they find.
What an excellent thread!

Trump wants to fire Mueller and we all know it now. lol

And the so-called staffing issue is just ridiculous. lol

This looks bad, very bad.

But seriously, this whole administration is beginning to be like a really bad B movie that you just can't stop watching because it's so bizarre. Think Clockwork Orange... Only this time the clock is a real clock and the orange is the president it is ticking down for.

If it wasn't so divisive for the country, I would have to nominate it as the newest cult classic. But the Trump Cult following is the only thing more bizarre than his presidency. Such a SAD time for America.
If it wasn't for all the hearings we wouldn't even know there is such a thing as a Democrat in Washington!
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
If it wasn't for all the hearings we wouldn't even know there is such a thing as a Democrat in Washington!

Have you a laugh or two now, these hearings are going to make their presence felt I think. wink

Sketchy for sure. Just to clarify a few things in the article though:

The Michael Dreeben on Mueller's staff isn't the same guy that donated to Dems. Michael W. Dreeben did, not Michael R. Dreeben, per the FEC website.

Also, Quarles has also donated to Republicans, most recently to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) in 2015. Though he's donated to many more D's than R's.

That doesn't change anything. If he wants the investigation to be bipartisan, he needs to hire some folks that are clearly R's.

(if you haven't seen the site, it is (if you haven't seen the site, it is https://www.fec.gov/. To find individual contributors in a 2 year period - click on Campaign Finance Data, then Raising. The second section on that page is Individual Contributions. You can search from there.)
It doesn't work like that in today's world. Forget about fair, forget about balance, we now live in a world where they hold up the bloody severed head of the President of the United States while they assassinate him in a play in Central Park. The Democrats are off their rockers and trying to "Get Trump" at all costs.

The agenda driven Media explains it all away as just politics.

This is a time for protecting yourself from scoundrels.
Fire Mueller. Risk nothing.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
It doesn't work like that in today's world. Forget about fair, forget about balance, we now live in a world where they hold up the bloody severed head of the President of the United States while they assassinate him in a play in Central Park. The Democrats are off their rockers and trying to "Get Trump" at all costs.

The agenda driven Media explains it all away as just politics.

This is a time for protecting yourself from scoundrels.
Fire Mueller. Risk nothing.

Who's a snowflake? #SafeSpaceGOP
Trump would be risking a lot.

If you honestly believe he can fire two separate people who are leading investigations that center around his staff in a month without a huge backlash, some even in his own party, you are overestimating what he can get away with.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
It doesn't work like that in today's world. Forget about fair, forget about balance, we now live in a world where they hold up the bloody severed head of the President of the United States while they assassinate him in a play in Central Park. The Democrats are off their rockers and trying to "Get Trump" at all costs.

The agenda driven Media explains it all away as just politics.

This is a time for protecting yourself from scoundrels.
Fire Mueller. Risk nothing.

Who's a snowflake? #SafeSpaceGOP

You are, why?
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Trump would be risking a lot.

If you honestly believe he can fire two separate people who are leading investigations that center around his staff in a month without a huge backlash, some even in his own party, you are overestimating what he can get away with.

Backlash? rofl

He has been dealing with Backlash since he beat you snowflakes in the election!
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Trump would be risking a lot.

If you honestly believe he can fire two separate people who are leading investigations that center around his staff in a month without a huge backlash, some even in his own party, you are overestimating what he can get away with.

I agree.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
It doesn't work like that in today's world. Forget about fair, forget about balance, we now live in a world where they hold up the bloody severed head of the President of the United States while they assassinate him in a play in Central Park. The Democrats are off their rockers and trying to "Get Trump" at all costs.

The agenda driven Media explains it all away as just politics.

This is a time for protecting yourself from scoundrels.
Fire Mueller. Risk nothing.

Who's a snowflake? #SafeSpaceGOP

You are, why?

wink rofl
Wait and see. After all the stupid BS he's done and said since being elected, things have been getting worse, not better for him. But then again, you're willing to go down with this sinking ship holding him accountable for nothing. It's biting you in the ass as we post and you don't have enough common sense to see it.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Trump would be risking a lot.

If you honestly believe he can fire two separate people who are leading investigations that center around his staff in a month without a huge backlash, some even in his own party, you are overestimating what he can get away with.

He would be toast, I so hope he does it.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
It doesn't work like that in today's world. Forget about fair, forget about balance, we now live in a world where they hold up the bloody severed head of the President of the United States while they assassinate him in a play in Central Park.

Sort of similar to these?

Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Wait and see. After all the stupid BS he's done and said since being elected, things have been getting worse, not better for him. But then again, you're willing to go down with this sinking ship holding him accountable for nothing. It's biting you in the ass as we post and you don't have enough common sense to see it.

I climbed on this ship back when you were crying for Hillary and all the other ships that sank.

Now I ride the Trump Train and have not yet been disappointed, while you and the other snowflakes have watched accusation after accusation blow up in your faces once facts are presented.

I ride along, watching my investments grow with the Trump Market.
I ride along, hearing CEO's of the Nations Corporations proclaiming great confidence of a bright future.
I watch as tearful Coal miners shake Trumps hand and thank him for giving them a chance.
You can climb aboard once you see our GDP numbers when they come out!

All you and the others have done is cry and cry that it can't work and Trump is bad! What a stinking waste of time that was!
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING

You can climb aboard once you see our GDP numbers when they come out!

US economy expanded at weakest pace in 3 years
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Wait and see. After all the stupid BS he's done and said since being elected, things have been getting worse, not better for him. But then again, you're willing to go down with this sinking ship holding him accountable for nothing. It's biting you in the ass as we post and you don't have enough common sense to see it.

I climbed on this ship back when you were crying for Hillary and all the other ships that sank.

Now I ride the Trump Train and have not yet been disappointed, while you and the other snowflakes have watched accusation after accusation blow up in your faces once facts are presented.

I ride along, watching my investments grow with the Trump Market.
I ride along, hearing CEO's of the Nations Corporations proclaiming great confidence of a bright future.
I watch as tearful Coal miners shake Trumps hand and thank him for giving them a chance.
You can climb aboard once you see our GDP numbers when they come out!

All you and the others have done is cry and cry that it can't work and Trump is bad! What a stinking waste of time that was!

It's become quite obvious the drugs in your alternate reality are better than the ones in the real world. #PassThatThingBogart
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING

I climbed on this ship back when you were crying for Hillary and all the other ships that sank.

What is it with you guys inability not to lie? Is it in your DNA? The Trump effect?

Yesterday it was diam with this lie and today it's you.

I never supported Hillary. I've said this over and over. It appears your fearless leader has created an environment that it makes it impossible for you and Diam to tell the truth.

How would you like me to lie about you and say I don't think you're a patriotic American?

Because if you continue to lie about me, expect it in kind.

I don't whine. I fight back.

Here are 15 things Trump has done since his inauguration.

1. An executive order pausing refugees and immigration from six Islamic countries. Among the first of Trump's actions was this executive order; it originally applied to seven countries, but was struck down by the activist Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals following a bumpy rollout. The revised executive order no longer applies to Iraq, but still applies to Somalia, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Sudan, and doesn't prioritize Christians who face persecution in these countries.

2. An executive order cracking down on sanctuary cities. The order strips funding from sanctuary cities and invokes "public shaming" against these cities by compiling "a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens" that take place in sanctuary cities.

3. The aforementioned executive order also stated the wall will start being built. Granted, the process has been slow and there have been issues regarding how to pay for it, but at least Trump is making a serious attempt at securing the border.

4. Nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. The nomination was lauded by conservatives, who almost uniformly consider Gorsuch a solid replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Gorsuch's confirmation hearings are scheduled to start on March 20.

5. Reinstated the "Mexico City Policy" banning federal funding for international abortions. The policy was reversed by Barack Obama, but Trump put it back into effect when he took office. The Daily Wire's Frank Camp has more details on it here.

6. Repealed an unconstitutional Obama regulation on guns. The regulation basically prevented seniors who had trouble maintaining finances from obtaining firearms without due process. That didn't stop the media from mischaracterizing it as the Republicans allowing crazy old people to purchase guns.

7. The Obama regulation raising automobile emissions standards has also been repealed.

8. Approved the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines. This was an important move to help create jobs and increase the supply of oil.

9. Froze the Obama administration's last-minute $220 million funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Obama administration bypassed the objections of congressional Republicans in its waning hours to provide the aid to the PA. The Trump administration put the funding on hold until further review.

10. Exited from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro wrote: "He’s killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership without a suitable plan for replacement, opening the door wide to Chinese influence in the Pacific and pleasing the very labor unions that have helped make American business less competitive."

11. Slapped Iran with new sanctions. The sanctions were aimed at punishing Iran for sponsoring terrorism and conducting a ballistic missile test, as the Daily Wire explained here.

12. Repealed the Obama regulation banning lead bullets for hunting and fishing tackle.

13. Beefed up immigration enforcement. According to Shapiro, Trump's executive actions on immigration included:

1. Broaden Enforcement Priorities. According to Section 5(c), the Secretary of Homeland Security has now been granted the power to prioritize for removal those who “have committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense.” This means anyone who has crossed the border illegally. Whereas under President Obama, other crimes were prioritized, now illegal presence in the country has become a priority for law enforcement. The executive action also extends prioritization to false use of a Social Security number, for example (Section 5(d)), or taking public benefits illegally (Section 5(e)).

2. Add Agents. The order grants the Secretary the ability to hire 10,000 additional law enforcement officers with money to be found under current allocations.

3. Allow States To Help Police Immigration. Whereas the Obama administration sued the Arizona state government for aiding in enforcement of federal immigration law, Section 8(b) of the order allows States and local law enforcement officials to “perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to investigation, apprehension, or detention of alients in the United States.”

14. Trumpcare. Trump rolled out his replacement for Obamacare, and it's a disaster.

15. Released a budget. The budget makes cuts to various departments and agencies, but increases spending for defense and other agencies, while cutting taxes.
Trump has a staff of lawyers working for him...wonder if anyone bothered to check into which candidates they donated to?

The longer this investigation goes on, the more nervous Repubs become and begin to suggest ways to end the investigation.

Trump has said he has done nothing wrong...if true, Trump has nothing to worry about, right?

If Trump fires Mueller, most Americans would realize that Trump is guilty of something...something very serious.

Most Americans believe the investigation must continue...a minority of Americans want Mueller fired.

To me, it shows how much Trump is squirming...


Originally Posted By: clwb419
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
It doesn't work like that in today's world. Forget about fair, forget about balance, we now live in a world where they hold up the bloody severed head of the President of the United States while they assassinate him in a play in Central Park.

Sort of similar to these?

I thought these needed repeated.

I was appalled by the severed head of Trump. I don't like the guy, but damn, that just was horrible that his 10 or 11 year old son had to see that. Don't people have any damn sense at all?

But for anyone to say that he's being treated worse than any other president, they should look at these three items.

Let's not forget about the slams on his wife Michelle and those beautiful little girls of Obamas.

As for Mueller, the mans reputation, no matter how people are trying to tarnish it now, was being considered by Trump to lead the FBI after he fired Comey. So he must have thought highly of him. But now that he's the man charged with discovery, ohh, he's a bad guy.

Geez,, the mans rep is impeccable. Let him do his job. If Trump and his folks are innocent, it will come out. If not, that too will come out.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Wait and see. After all the stupid BS he's done and said since being elected, things have been getting worse, not better for him. But then again, you're willing to go down with this sinking ship holding him accountable for nothing. It's biting you in the ass as we post and you don't have enough common sense to see it.

I climbed on this ship back when you were crying for Hillary and all the other ships that sank.

Now I ride the Trump Train and have not yet been disappointed, while you and the other snowflakes have watched accusation after accusation blow up in your faces once facts are presented.

I ride along, watching my investments grow with the Trump Market.
I ride along, hearing CEO's of the Nations Corporations proclaiming great confidence of a bright future.
I watch as tearful Coal miners shake Trumps hand and thank him for giving them a chance.
You can climb aboard once you see our GDP numbers when they come out!

All you and the others have done is cry and cry that it can't work and Trump is bad! What a stinking waste of time that was!


I'd vote for him again tomorrow if I could ...

rofl Conservative republicans in the congress called for all these hearings. The dems can't do a damn thing here. The house and the senate are controlled by your boys. And they still can't cover their own tracks. They flip flop with every Trump tweet with his coded instructions to them. It's so obvious.
Foolish comparison.

Trumps lawyers are not out to get anyone, just advise Trump.

Mueller is loading up to attack something we already know doesn't exist. Just ask the House and Senate intel committees and James Comey himself.

Nothing to see here!
Trump has a staff of lawyers working for him...wonder if anyone bothered to check into which candidates they donated to?

Trump's lawyers are there to represent Trump, it doesn't matter at all what their political affiliation is.

Special Counsel Mueller and his staff are there to represent the American people, therefore it does kind of matter that they appear politically neutral.

With that said, I'm sure almost all legal folks at that level contribute, in one way or another, to campaigns and the fact that those contributions are public knowledge should not preclude somebody from the benefit of the doubt when it comes to doing their job.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING

Mueller is loading up to attack something we already know doesn't exist.

Better make sure there are no tapes before he starts attacking what we already know doesn't exist. rofl
New York Theater Group Under Fire for Depicting Assassination of Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’

Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
New York Theater Group Under Fire for Depicting Assassination of Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’


Yeah that was in very poor taste. The sponsors pulled the play from the schedule right?

This was done to the Obama's for 8 years in many different ways. Yet many of you here were cool with all those tasteless comments and spoofs. What changed? White president?
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
New York Theater Group Under Fire for Depicting Assassination of Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’


Yeah that was in very poor taste. The sponsors pulled the play from the schedule right?

This was done to the Obama's for 8 years in many different ways. Yet many of you here were cool with all those tasteless comments and spoofs. What changed? White president?

I can only speak for myself, and I was never cool with any implication, or depiction of a president being murdered.

So, what changed? For me, nothing. So, concerning me, get off the race issue.
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
New York Theater Group Under Fire for Depicting Assassination of Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’


Yeah that was in very poor taste. The sponsors pulled the play from the schedule right?

This was done to the Obama's for 8 years in many different ways. Yet many of you here were cool with all those tasteless comments and spoofs. What changed? White president?

Tasteless is one thing, depicting assassinations and beheadings is another.... You can find tasteless everyday I can remember since I started following politics in the 80s.. and it has continued to spiral downhill since then as far as what is "acceptable"... but you are going to have to show me where "many of you were cool with it" when it was Obama.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
but you are going to have to show me where "many of you were cool with it" when it was Obama.

I would like to see this also! "Many" were cautious of mentioning Obama because they knew the 'libs' favorite word would follow.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Trump would be risking a lot.

If you honestly believe he can fire two separate people who are leading investigations that center around his staff in a month without a huge backlash, some even in his own party, you are overestimating what he can get away with.

No it won't. Sides are taken. There is no middle ground anymore. It's the good guys v the bad guys.
Obviously, all the good smart lawyers are democrats.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
New York Theater Group Under Fire for Depicting Assassination of Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’


Yeah that was in very poor taste. The sponsors pulled the play from the schedule right?

This was done to the Obama's for 8 years in many different ways. Yet many of you here were cool with all those tasteless comments and spoofs. What changed? White president?

Tasteless is one thing, depicting assassinations and beheadings is another.... You can find tasteless everyday I can remember since I started following politics in the 80s.. and it has continued to spiral downhill since then as far as what is "acceptable"... but you are going to have to show me where "many of you were cool with it" when it was Obama.

Exactly, like hanging Obama or putting a target on his head... That's not only tasteless, but it, as you say, depicts murder..

Both are horrid IMO...

I clearly don't care at all for Trump, but this to me goes too far.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
New York Theater Group Under Fire for Depicting Assassination of Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’


Yeah that was in very poor taste. The sponsors pulled the play from the schedule right?

This was done to the Obama's for 8 years in many different ways. Yet many of you here were cool with all those tasteless comments and spoofs. What changed? White president?

Tasteless is one thing, depicting assassinations and beheadings is another.... You can find tasteless everyday I can remember since I started following politics in the 80s.. and it has continued to spiral downhill since then as far as what is "acceptable"... but you are going to have to show me where "many of you were cool with it" when it was Obama.

Second this.
but you are going to have to show me where "many of you were cool with it" when it was Obama.

OK many of you here may have been cool with it or not...I just didn't see any of you complaining about the multitude of images of Obama, Clinton and GWB burning in effigy and mock hangings and stabbings and such posted all over the Internet. And now all of a sudden it's a deadly sin if Trump is the target.

Robert Mueller was hired to investigate the Russian Collusion lie and has switched his mission to Obstruction of Justice now.

He is now the most powerful and un-elected man in Washington.

The Swamp- 1
We the People- 0
I just didn't see any of you complaining about the multitude of images of Obama, Clinton and GWB burning in effigy and mock hangings and stabbings and such posted all over the Internet.

Interesting group.. because I remember democrats laughing when an Iraqi threw a shoe at GWB during an appearance in Iraq...

As far as what I, or others feel about stuff posted on the internet, you would have to follow me on FB and Twitter to know what I feel about stuff posted on the internet. As far as I know, all you know about me is what I post on here... and sometimes I start threads and sometimes I respond to other threads... so again, prove that I was cool with hateful stuff and death threat type of stuff.
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